The Sierra Leone Web


Bukui ji hu vεi - Contents


Magona Yεpεi 

Kככlooni Bukui Ji Ma
About This Book


Tεi Hu 
In the Town

Watiisia Hindεisia Ta Wie
Times and Tenses

Pεlεi Bu 
In the House

Mu Wiehindεisia 
Our Actions

Fele Gכlεi 
In the Shop

Lapi Jisia Ma A Bi Wumaye 
Try These Yourself

In the Market

Lapi Jisia Ma A Bi Wumaye 
Try These Yourself

Treni Hu Jiεi 
Travelling by Train

Mכto Hu Jici 
Travelling by Lorry

Mba Yengei 
Rice Farming

Lapi Jisia Ma A Bi Wumaye
Try These Yourself

Pεlε Loolεi
House Building

Lapi Jisia Ma A Bi Wumaye
Try These Yourself

Kotii Hu
In the Court

Ngenge Gכlilεi
Seeking Employment

Jisia Wote Mende Yiεi Hu
Change These into Mende


Hegbεi Lεnga Ti Lεisia
Names of Some Diseases

Kpεi Kεε Nyε Gbεlεi
Hunting and Fishing

Fooi Gohu Watiisia
Times in the Year

Hani Lεεnga Ti Lεisia
Names of Some Things

Dכmi Gutu
A Short Story

Njεpεi Nasia Ti Nyciyi Yakpe Kεε
Words that are spelt the same but have different meanings