The Sierra Leone Web

Mba Yengei - Rice Farming
Ngi mba bgala langa Ai have med a rais faam I have made a rice farm
Wa a nya gonii kεε ndכgbכlomεi Briŋ mai aks and thε bush shεεt Bring my axe and the bush shirt
Ma ndowεi wielכ mu pכi wie We brכsh thε bush and fεl thε triiz We brush the bush and fell the trees
Nga tangεi hiilכ Ai shal plant sכm kasava I shall plant some cassava
Nya nyahεi i ya mba wumεi Mai waif haz gכn to plau thε faam My wife has gone to plough the farm
Mbi lכ valema panda Thε rais iz jεminetiŋ wεl The rice is germinating well
Mbogbεi ji houngכe, yena yahaangכ This kכtlas iz shaap, that wכn iz dכl This cutlass is sharp, that one is dull
Nya manii gכwכnga a ndopεi Mai trap haz kכt a dia My trap has caught a deer
Ngכmbui la bi mba wulo yiili Kindul a fayε and kuuk sכm rais Kindle a fire and cook some rice
ŋכnii na hכwכ i li Ston that bεεd and lεt is go Stone that bird and let it go
Lavulεi i longa hu kpuwεi bu Thε sliŋ iz lכst in the faam haus The sling is lost in the farm house
Tכto a ngulii gbuala sina Bigin wiidiŋ tumכro Begin weeding tomorrow
Muaa kokolei gonuma Wi aa fεnsiŋ thε faam in We are fencing the farm in
Mbεi lכ gbuama hu Thε rais iz flawεriŋ The rice is flowering
Li a mbεi ji kpuwui bu Tek this rais tu the baan Take this rice to the barn
Wa a kכwu wulo, mbεi benga Briŋ sכm wud, thε rais iz drai Bring some wood, the rice is dry
Mbεi hiya kondεi hu Paund thε rais in the mככta Pound the rice in the mortar
כ ngetei kεε fεεlεi? Wεε aa the pεsil and thε fan? Where are the pestle and the fan?
Baa tεi na waa ha Dont kil that faul tudee Don't kill that fowl today