The Sierra Leone Web


Sierra Leone Print Media

Online Radio and Television



Independent, owned and edited by Kelvin Lewis. Awoko was previously online from 2003 to 2004. The current website has been online since January 2007. The newspaper also has an app.

Radio Democracy 98.1

Radio station in Freetown.

Concord Times

Independent newspaper in Freetown.

Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation (Facebook)

National radio and television.


Independent newspaper.

Africa Young Voices (AYV) TV

Operates television and radio from Freetown.

Africa Young Voices (AYV) newspaper

Operates a newspaper from Freetown.

Radio Democracy, AYV Radio and Capital Radio can be heard using the TuneIn app. Radio Democracy is also streamed over Facebook.

Standard Times

Independent, edited by Philip Neville. Online since May 2006.


Sierra Express Media

The website is based in the United States, but also has a street edition in Freetown. Online since November 2007.

Global Times Online

Independent newspaper in Freetown.

The Calabash Newspaper

Established in 2017. Date of online presence unknown. Ownership not disclosed on website.


Sierra Leone Websites Abroad

International Media



Online newspaper owned and operated by Rev. Leeroy Wilfred Kabs-Kanu, and published from Somerset, New Jersey, U.S.A. Online since August 2002.

BBC African News

Publishes African news from various sources, and provides links to popular audio programmes, such as Focus on Africa.

The Patriotic Vanguard

Website based in Canada. Published by Gibril Gbanabome Koroma. Online since July 2005.

Voice of America African News

News articles rewritten from Voice of America broadcasts.

The Organiser

Based in the United Kingdom. Edited by Abu Bakar Shaw.

United Nations News Centre

News from the United Nations News Centre, with occasional articles on Sierra Leone.

Based in the United States. Publishes versions of articles from Freetown's Concord Times and more.


Noovell (news compiler)

Links to news articles from Awoko, Concord Times and others.


Sierra Leone Telegraph