The Sierra Leone Web

Kpεi kεε Nyε Gbεlεi - Hunting and Fishing
Gbככ bi piema? Wכt aa yuu duiŋ? What are you doing?
Nyaa kpε-boma vεεma Ai am wiiviŋ a hכntiŋ nεt I am weaving a hunting net
Yie lכ mbembei vεεva Mai mככthε iz wiiviŋ a fishiŋ nεt My mother is weaving a fishing net
Mu kpεi wieilכ hokii na hu Wi hכntεd last wiik We hunted last week
Mu ndopa fele lכ houni We kכt tuu dia We caught two deer
Ma ndondεnga gbelכ hokii na hu We shal hכnt pigz nεkst wiik We shall hunt pigs next week
Nyahanga lכ lima nye gbεmεi Thε wimεn aa goiŋ tu fish The women are going to fish
Ngi ndondεnga lכlכnga I hav loketεd sכm pigz I have located some pigs
Ndowoi vε nunga ti wa Blo thε hככn and lεt thε pipul kכm Blow the horn and let the people come
Mbomabla ti lolε? Hau mεni mεn hav nεts? How many men have nets?
Sכlεbla, a lewe a mbei wee Nכiz-mkeεz, pas this wee Noise-makers, pass this way
Huεi hou bi paa Kach thε animal and kiil it Catch the animal and kill it
Baa mbolola lewe, ndewe Dont kכt its throt, hit it Don't cut its throat, hit it
Mbeimbei lכmbu kaaka Sink the nεt kuikli Sink the net quickly
Nyε waalכ mbeimbei na hu Thεε iz a big fish in that nεt There is a big fish in that net
Njεi ji hubכngכe This watε iz diip This water is deep
Njεi na hu yaa tεtεlε That wכtε iz shalo That water is shallow
Piyεi ve mbei Giv mi thε fishiŋ pכt Give me the fishing pot
Nyaa looni kakpoi ya Ai am standiŋ כn thε bank I am standing on the bank
Baa lכmbu, li tii hu Dont daiv, go tu thε ailand Don't dive, go to the island
Nya nda nyεi ve This watε iz diip This water is deep
Njεi na hu yaa tεtεlε That wכtε iz shalo That water is shallow
Piyεi ve mbei Giv mi thε fishiŋ pכt Give me the fishing pot
Nyaa looni kakpoi ya Ai am standiŋ כn thε bank I am standing on the bank
Baa lכmbu, li tii hu Dont daiv, go tu thε ailand Don't dive, go to the island
Nya nda nyεi ve Giv mi mai shεa כv thε fish Give me my share of fish
Mכmכ, huεi gכlεkכlε Mכmכ, shεε thε miit Momo, share the meat