The Sierra Leone Web


Famεisia - Greetings

Ndeyii Mεnde Yici Hu
It is spoken thus in Mende
Ndeyii Puyici Hu
It is spoken thus in English
Nyεiyii Puu Yiεi Hu
It is written thus in English
Bi wua (Buaa?) Wu wua? Gud mככniŋ (a ngendεi) Good morning
Biaa na? wua na? Gud aftεnuun (a kpכkכvolei) Good afternoon
Bi luvaa? (Buuvaa?) Wu luvaa? Gud ivniŋ (a kpכkכi) Good evening
Gbככ bi gaahu? Hau aa yuu? How are you?
Nya gaahu gbuangכe, bi siε Ai am wεl, thank yuu I am well, thank you
Bi lεi? Wכt iz yככ nem? What is your name?
Nya laa a Vandi Mai nem iz Vandi My name is Vandi
Bi hiyea mi lכ? Wεε du yuu kכm frכm? Where do you come from?
Ngi hiyea Yoya lכ Ai kכm frכm Yoya I come from Yoya
Gbε vaa na? Wכt iz the niuz thεε? What is the news there?
Hinda nyamu gbii na ככl iz wεl All is well
Bi lima mi lכ Wεε aa yuu goiŋ? Where are you going?
Ngi lima Manכ lכ Ai am goiŋ tu Manכ I am going to Mano
Ngi gεlεma mbei lכ Ai am stכpiŋ hiε I am stopping here
Gbככ bi waa piema? Wכt hav yuu kכm tu du? What have you come to do?
Ngi waa yengemaa Ai hav kכm tu wεεkε I have come to work
Mu kpכkכ hoe כ muva hoe Gud nait כ guud bai Good night or goodbye
Mm, ma lכ gbכma hoe Yεs, we shal sii ich כthε agεn Yes, we shall see each other again
Nga va Mכmכ ma Giv mכmכ mai gritiŋz Give Momo my greetings
Nya gohunεingכe bi lכva Ai am glad tu sii yuu I am glad to see you
Bi kεkε lכ na? Iz yככ faathε thεε? Is your father there?
Mm, taa na Yεs, hi iz thεε Yes, he is there
כ ngi gaahui? Hau iz hi? How is he?
Ngi gaahu gbuangכe Hi iz wεl He is well
Bi nje lכ na? Iz yככ mככthε thεε? Is your mother there?
Mm, taa na Yεs, she is thεε Yes, she is there
כ ngi gaahui? Hau is shε? How is she?
Ngi gaahu gbuangכe Shi iz wεl She is well
Migbee lכ ba yama na? Wεn wil yuu go bak thεε? When will you go back there?
Nga yamalכ sina Ai shal go bak tumכro I shall go back tomorrow
Migbee lכ ba wa mbei? Wεn wil yuu kכm hiε? When will you come here?
Nga walכ Sכndei ma Ai shal kכm כn Sכnde I shall come on Sunday
Ngi ya-o Ai am goiŋ I am going
Nga va ngi ma (i yaa a hindo) Giv him mai gritiŋz Give him my greetings
Nga va ngi ma (i yaa a nyaha) Giv hεε mai gritiŋz Give her my greetings