The Sierra Leone Web


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Caption: Fourah Bay College, Freetown. Publisher: Lisk-Carew Bros. Caption: May I help. Freetown.
Caption: Sierra Leone. Hill Station. Caption: Sierra-Leone, River.

Publisher: W. S. Johnston. Caption: Sierra Leone - Waterloo - Government Landing Stage.

[Postmarked on back 17 July 1906.]

Caption: Sierra Leone Village of Tibabadugu.
Caption: Sierra-Leone - Protectorate - Women bathing in a pool. Caption: Onion Seller, Freetown.
Caption: Beggars Parade, Freetown. Publisher: Cliche C. F. A. O. Caption: Sierra Leone - Freetown - A shop.
Caption: A fountain scene, Freetown. Caption: Missions des peres du Saint-Esprit. - L'Arivée au Marché d'Itu á 7 heures du matin.
Publisher: Cliche C. F. A. O. Caption: Sierra-Leone, Freetown, Susu Girls. Caption: Freetown, Arrival of country produces.
Caption: A view in "Sawpit", Freetown. Caption: Krootown Bay, Freetown, Sierra Leone.
Caption: An African built bridge, Sierra Leone. Publisher: Lisk-Carew Bros., Freetown. Caption: Chief Gabbesch of Baiima, Sierra Leone.
Caption: St. Charles on the Hill, Regent, Sierra Leone. Caption: Congo. Sierra Léonais employés au chemin de fer.
Caption: A Mandingoe family, Sierra Leone. Caption: Life on the River.
Publisher: Printed in France by Overseas Investment, Ltd. Caption: Creole houses in Freetown, an echo of Louisiana in Africa. (1999). Caption: View of Rotifunk, Sierra Leone.
Caption: King Tom Bridge, Sierra Leone. Caption: Sierra-Leone - Freetown - Wesleyan church.