Publisher: Greensmith Photo. Caption: Carrying produce to market, Sierra Leone. |
Caption: Kings Quarters - Kambia, Sierra Leone. |
Caption: 1914...Forces Anglaises embarquant à Freetown / British troops embarking at Freetown. |
Caption: Making a canoe, Sierra Leone. |
Publisher: National Tourist Board, Sierra Leone. Caption: Bunce Island Slave Fort - 1670s. |
Caption: Cotton Tree Station, Sierra Leone. |
Publisher: Lisk-Carew Brothers. Caption: Off to school, Sierra Leone. |
Caption: Pay Day, Public Works Department, Freetown. |
Caption: General View, Susan's Bay, Freetown. |
Caption: Sierra Leone. - Freetown. |
Caption: Sierra Leone - Freetown. - Police station & Law Courts. |
Caption: Military Parade, Troops marching past His Excellency Governor Probyn.
[Sir Leslie Probyn was Governor of Sierra Leone from October 1904 to 1910. He is the namesake of former President Siaka Probyn Stevens.] |
Caption: Sierra-Léone - Freetown. A street at Saw-Pitt. |
Caption: Prince of Melacourrie. |
Publisher: A. Lisk-Carew, Freetown, Sierra Leone. Caption: Girls selling, Port Lokkoh, Sierra Leone. |
Caption: Portion of Government Wharf, Sierra Leone. |
Publisher: Lisk-Carew Brothers, Freetown, Sierra Leone. Caption: Mill Street, Freetown. |
Caption: Sierra Leone - Inspection of Troops, Freetown. |
Caption: Through the isolated glens - Congo Bridge, Sierra Leone. |
Publisher: Lisk-Carew Brothers, Freetown, Sierra Leone. Caption: Bondoo Devils, Sierra Leone. |
Caption: Bush scene, Sierra Leone. |
Caption: Bengen - A famous girl dancer. |
Caption: Paramount chiefs from the Northern Province. |