The Sierra Leone Web

Prices and Exchange Rates in Freetown
Updated 17 March 2011
Rice (cup) Le1,000, 1,200
Rice (half bag) Le 95,000, 90,000
Rice (bag) Le 148,000, 152,000
Palm Oil (pint) Le 1,700
Palm Oil (five gallons) Le 130,000
Groundnut Oil (2-1/2 gallons) Le 95,000
Groundnut Oil (five gallons)

Le 175,000

Groundnut Oil (one gallon) Le 55,000
Groundnut Oil (pint) Le 3,500
Sugar (full bag) Le 260,000
Sugar (small bag) Le 130,000
Sugar (cup) Le 1,500, 2,000, 3,000
Onions (big bag) Le 100,000
Onions (small bag) Le 40,000
Fuel (petrol, diesel, kerosene) Le 17,500
Local taxi or poda-poda Le 1,000
Ferry (Lungi-Freetown) Le 2,000; First Class Le 5,000
UTAir Helicopter (Lungi-Freetown) $70
Boat (Lungi-Freetown) $35-40
Cement (bag) Le 36,000
School fees - JSS Le 60,000 (Le 20,000 per term)
School fees - SSS Le 75,000 (Le 25,000 per term)
Exchange rate - US dollar +/- Le 4,350 / $1.00
Local Tax Le 5,000