The Sierra Leone Web

Ethnic Origin of Recaptives in Sierra Leone, 1848
Region & Ethnic Group
Senegambia 16 0.1
Sierra Leone 905 6.8
Malinke 188
Temne 5
Fulbe 14
Susu 51
Mende, etc. (Koso) 609
Sherbro 38
Windward Coast 60 0.5
Basa, etc.
Gold Coast 168 1.3
Akan, etc. (Kromantees)
Bight of Benin 8,459 63.7
Fon, Gun, etc. (Popos) 1,075
Yoruba 7,114
Nupe 163
Benin 107
Bight of Biafra 2,677 20.2
Ibo 1,231  
Efik, Ibibio, etc. (Calabahs) 319
Northwest Bantu (Moko) 470
Hausa 657
Angola-Mozambique 439 3.3
West coast generally (Congo) 421
East coast generally (Mozambique) 18
Other 549 4.1
Total 13,273 100.0


Source: Data from PP, 1849, xxxiv [C.1126], pp. 304-5.
Published in The Atlantic Slave Trade, Philip D. Curtin,
The University of Wisconsin Press, 1969