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President Joseph Saidu Momoh, Independence Day Address
27 April 1991

Fellow citizens,

It is with a sad heart that I address you on this occasion of the thirty anniversary of our independence and location which in normal course of things should have witnessed lots of celebrations to thank the allmighty for allowing us to survive as a nation thirty years.

Yet you are all aware of the recent events involving the unwarranted, unjustifiable and wicked violation of our territorial integrity by rebel forces belonging to Mister Charles Taylor of Liberia precisely at the time when we were making bold efforts to chart a sound political course for the nation: a course that would be firmly anchored by the spirit of freedom and real democracy.

However, fellow citizens, I would like to appeal to all of you to stay calm and not to despair. My government and I are resolute in our efforts to see that this root intrusion into our national life by alien forces is brought to a speedy end. In this connection, I want to thank all of you, fellow citizens, for the absolute loyalty and patriotism displayed by you during these dark days of our history. By your conduct, you are shown that no matter what difference are as a people during the normal times, we can always come together as a solid force which no one will penetrate whenever our historical circumstances demand. This, indeed, is as it should be. In this connection, I want to thank all groups and individuals who have demonstrated their solidarity and support either through rallies, resolutions and other gestures material and financial, in support of my government's efforts to defend our national sovereignty. I also want to take this opportunity to thank our valiant forces for the stout efforts they have put up against the ruthless and vicious in failures of Charles Taylor. The people of Sierra Leone will not forget so soon this sense of sacrifice displayed by you. At the same time, I want to extend my deepest sympathy and heartfelt condolences to all the citizens of this country will have suffered from loss of life and property during this national catastrophe.
Let me assure you all that you are not alone in your suffering. In that the entire populace of Sierra Leone share the pain of your grief and your loss. Fellow citizens, it is at a time like this that a nation comes to really know all the real friends are, and am proud to say that, indeed, surely only has true friends both within the African region and abroad. We have not hesitated one moment in coming to our aid in these times of trouble. To you, I dear friends, I shall simply say how grateful we are how thankful we are. But to the governments and people of the sister republics of Nigeria and Guinea, it is my bound and duty to express the special gratitude and appreciation of the government and people of Sierra Leone for the exemplary support which they have given us including the placing at our disposal of both human and material resources to repel our common enemy. The people of Sierra Leone will never forget you all in a hurry for what you have done for them at a time of their greatest need. Coming back to our political course which I mentioned a while ago fellow citizens, I want to assure you that not even the evil schemes of Charles Taylor or the dastardly act of aggression perpetrated by this bandits, will sway the my government away from following the political road to pluralism upon which we have embarked; which is simply to say that against the background of my own acceptance of the recommendations of the report of the constitutional review commission appointed by me, that report is being studied by government to be followed by all the other necessary legal steps that have to be taken without delay so that we may reach the goal which we have set for ourselves.

And you the people will be fully informed of the progress of the matter as we go along.

It is therefore on this note and with mixed feelings , my dear fellow countrymen and I wish you all on my own behalf and on behalf of my government, God's blessing and protection on the occasion of the thirty anniversary of our independence.

Long live the people of Sierra Leone long live the Republic of Sierra Leone. Thank you for your attention.