The Sierra Leone Web

  Stephen Tamba Fomba was born in Freetown. He attended St. Edward's Primary School and Albert Academy before leaving for the United States in 1996. He graduated from high school in California in 2000. He is currently finishing his degree in Political Science and Public Administration at Rhode Island College. Reading and writing political essays is what he enjoys doing best on my free time. He also enjoys writing songs - most commonly R & B and hip-hop. He writes poems only when he feels the rhyming in his heart. In 1997, at the age of 15, he published an article in the Los Angeles Times about what it means to be different in this society. In the years to come, he expects to publish political, social and philosophical researches.  


Sierra Leone: Forgive
Oh Sierra Leone, the Great.
With all those sores and pain from war-Beat,
You still manage to smile under the warm Heat.
Please accept my rhymes of apology.
You provide us our daily bread,
But no one bothers to see if you've Ate.
We cast our perilous Bate,
Seemed as an eatable Cate-
Food as poisonous as a Greek Date,
Oh dear sweet land we gave to you to Eat.

On your land, you promised us strong Feat, But the enemies came and vehemently broke into your Gate. With hearts full of Hate, You know what we did to It.

We trampled over you like a malefic Jet,
Trashed your land with waste like that of a Keet.
Forgive our malevolent acts. Please Let.
We tortured your children like some worthless Meat,
On your fertile soil that is always Neat.
But please lead us thru this Exodus like the Israelites in the OT.
Lord we've turned Sierra Leone into a Peat.
So bad that our Motherland wants to Quit-
From us, by us her woods were wrongfully Ret.
We promise to polish your Queen-Dom Seat-
With great care, as we do for our flesh Teat.
This destruction is Ultimate,
So I pray. And during bitterness, from your land we will no longer Vacate.
Please continue to provide us abundant Wheat-
For you are stronger than a Xerophyte.
I apologize with these rhymes like Yeats,
We promise to keep you from harms and even from Zit.
Oh lovely Sierra Leone, forgive and forget.


I know you hate me,
And you have the right.
Your days are no longer bright
All because I turned-off your light
I would like to say that I am sorry,
Please do not worry.
Put your faith in your Lord
And He will bring you abundant love.
I know that you will be as peaceful as a dove
From this day forth, all your problems He will solve.

I know you love me,
And I love you too.
You care about us, so do I.
I am going to tell you the truth
So that we can get to the bottom of the roots
I am not trying to tease,
Instead it is an attempt to ease
All the pain that I have caused
The thrill was so shocking your heart paused.
Please forgive me.

It is me, whom you say you need,
But I can't do you that deed.
In you, you would like to plant my seeds,
But I'm sorry love you can't have my beads.
You love me; I love you best,
But I love someone else truest.
I know how much you want me in your life,
And you would do anything to be my wife.
Honestly, I wouldn't mind
But I have an obstacle.
Please do not wage war to conquer your rival in a bloody battle
Believe me when I say it is not worth a struggle.
For her, avoid breaking any bottle,
Just focus on your education as did Aristotle.
All the time we spent together brought me joy.
I wish I could stay, but I have a new toy.
Love so tight, she promises me a baby-girl and a boy.
Despite all this, you, I will never forget.
Reminiscing sometimes I do regret
But I'm so confident in this new love I placed a bet.
I believe we will come up victorious
For she is like you, very marvelous
I am neither been anomalous
Nor am I betraying you as Criseyde did Troilus.
I explain so you can understand
That I am taken, but if you hold onto God's hand,
He will find you a better man.
In Him you should believe,
And all your sorrows He will relieve.

I loved you then, I love you now, and always will love you
But I must say good-bye.
It hurts, but try not to cry.
Without me you can live, not die.
I am now a sibling, your lovely brother,
I am nada, zip zero, nothing other.
Forgive me and raise against me no cutter
But pray that my life become charmingly loved or may be even better.
Though we can't be loving partners, I pray we get along like bread and butter.
Forgive me my sister.

I have taken you on a long journey with this writing-lorry
All I am trying to say is that I am deeply sorry.


Thank You

Just when I thought my life was darkness,
You brought me light.
You have held me tight,
And my life you have lit very bright.
Thank you for given me a new sight
You brought me peace when my life was full of fights-
The world pushed me down; you mounted me high like a kite.
Thank you for this surplus height.
You brought day during my troubled nights,
So in this relationship there is no might.
I promise to be your Knight,
I will guide and protect you through our lives' flight.
You are my Princess, my joy, and my right.
Keep holding on me tight
For I plan to do you the same for life.
All because you are worth being my wife-
Our chemistry is a perfect kiss
Thank you for all of this.


Causes of Love

God what is this new deal?
The love that I thought was real
Is starting to fade away.
Is this another betray?
Bitterness has overcome my heart,
And I don't know the cause of art.
I have refused to give my heart to anyone,
But you encouraged me to have faith like Simone.
You said that this is the right one.
At first, things were fine,
Bright and beautiful like the sky.
I kept a beautiful smile-
For my love was sweeter than a fine-dine-cuisine.
I expected everything to be marvelous,
But I am now becoming victimized like Troilus.
Day and night I am in crucial pain,
Fearing that I can no longer withstand the rain.
They warned me how painful love can be
Day after day it tempts me.
I ignored the warnings and gave all I have to love,
It ungratefully throws it against the wall
And leaves me confused as the Biblical Saul.
Lord if it's not my time,
Why don't we wait for your time?
If earthly love is all about pleasure and disappointment,
Then I want your treasure and appointment.
Take my soul onto you-
Please God; do not let me fall from you.
Bound my soul onto you, forever-
I will serve no one else, never.
Free me from this pain,
And I thank you for this gain.


So: My Love

So beautiful,
I breathe you like breeze.
So marvelous,
I will cherish you forever.
So sweet of you,
I would like to hold you in my hands forever.
So daring,
I want to taste you.
So crazy,
You drive me insane. I love it.
So loving,
I want you in my life.
So much of my 'everything',
I want you to be my wife.
So much of my light,
No one brightens my day like you.
So lovable is your touch,
You give me goose bumps of joy.
So ice-breaking is your kiss,
You leave me breathless every time we kiss.
So wonderful of you,
I could praise you for perpetual.
So valuable you are,
Silver and gold doesn't even come close.
So important to me,
You are my first.
So blessed of you,
Please bear my children.
So talented
You are my educator.
So encouraging,
You are my comfort.
So glittering,
You are my shinning star.
So irresistible,
You are my peace.
So humorous,
You are my joy.
So much of a woman,
You please all of me.
So fruitful,
I want us to multiply.
So emotional,
This love is real.
So much understanding,
We have the best chemistry of love.
So complicated,
You occupy my thoughts.
So desiring,
You are all I need.
So anxious,
I cravingly want you.
So much love I have,
Please share it with me.
So betrothal,
Would you marry me.