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  Moses Kainwo was born in 1955 and is married with two daughters. He attended the Centennial Secondary School and later the Methodist Boys' High School. He graduated from Fourah Bay College with an Honours degree in English Language and Literature. He is a Methodist Minister but presently works with World Vision Sierra Leone Programme. He enjoys reading and writing poetry and has jointly edited an anthology of Sierra Leonean Poetry entitled Songs That Pour the Heart.  


The Song of a Sheep
(Based on Psalm 23)

The Lord is my Captain, I shall not drift.

He assigns me a quiet cabin,
And speaks to me through the sea shells,

My soul now has a heart.
His name in my ears echoes the tune to righteous steps.
Yes, His name is a command.

Though shocks overtake me,
I will fear no earthquake;
For you are beside me,
Whispering soft counsel;
So I cannot be impeached.

Your blessings come upon me like rain,
And even my enemies call me 'Great'.
Your anointing touch melts away my shower cap,
And my cup of oil overflows.

Surely you have blest me
And it shall be so every day of my life,
And I will enjoy
The comfort of my cabin,


a visit to goree island

sail into the rising sun
with dreams pulling on your tail
allow them to drown that must
for the sea is for the sale

walk into the setting sun
with winged dreams before your eyes
allow them to soar that must
for the ground will unfoot some feet

let them remember the baobab
and fill up its belly
breathing water lamps on the top
for publishing a red sea

or be the lion inside


Kpata Kpata

Kpata kpata kpata kpa
We yu begin am d?n d?n am
We yu k?t am d?n j?yn am
?n wetin n? f? k?t d?n k?t
?n wetin n? f? j?yn d?n j?yn
?Ltin k?t ?tin j?yn kpata kpata

Koro koro koro ko
We yu ayd am d?n f?n am
We yu f?n am d?n ayd am
?n wetin n? f? ayd d?n ayd
?n wetin n? f? si d?n k?m?t
Wi n? si ?ltin b?t wi si ?ltin koro koro fayv

Nyama nyama nyama nya
D?n mas agidi f? wi
B?t wi it b?lg? wi it am
D?n s?n uk na Kinjimi
B?t wi kech l?p?t wi kech am
So wi yay b?s ?n wi mol mas nyama nyama

Koto koto koto ko
I brok Titi Shayn Shayn in sus
I b?s Toyota taya
Papa siam I mek Babuyay
Trenja siam I l?k winda
Udat bisin b?t koto koto

Dak dak n?t san san t?m
We yu wet p?kitan l?s san t?m
Na do d?ti f? tru
We d?n sing kar?l Ista t?m
Na do klin f? tru