The Sierra Leone Web


Mohamed Koroma lives in Freetown.



A place once admired,
Now revered.
A continent once great,
Now in a helpless state.

Great West Africa

Once maker of great decisions,
Now stuck with wars on religion.
A place once thought to be like heaven,
Now described as a burden.

West Africa

Once a place of limitless attention,
Now at the center of relentless corruption.
How long will we starve,
Whilst they feed of our backs.

Great West Africa

How much more will we handle,
Whilst they destroy our perfect cradle.
How will there be a brighter future,
If we don't fight for a better stature.

West Africa

For how long will we wander,
Whilst they stay and squander.
How long will they call us uncivilized,
Whilst they sit at the top spreading lies.

Great West Africa

A place to be feared,not for our "savagery" as they say,
But for our unending courage to stay.
Africa will rise again,
Never to relive the pain.