The Sierra Leone Web

  Leslie Pratt, no biography available.  


I am from south east of the Atlantic, From tarnished gold & blood stained diamonds, I am from the poor of the cold streets. SA LONE !!! I am from the black market, The Brown Brown, The Ganja, The Jamba, Whose foul stench suffocated my people, As if it was yesterday. SA LONE !!! I am from Tota Pak & Diamond Gin, From Palm Wine & Omole, I’m from the hypocrite & the swear, from “Monkey sidom, Baboon tinap.” SA LONE !!!

I’m the green pasture & valleys, from white doves above, To blue ocens below Rockel, Freetown, Loko, Bo I am from SWEET SWEET SA LONE !!!

.. “From knowledge and truth our forefathers spread, Mighty the nations whom they led; Mighty they made thee, so too may we Show forth the good that is ever in thee. We pledge our devotion, our strength and our might, Thy cause to defend and to stand for thy right; All that we have be ever thine own, Land that we love, our SIERRA LEONE !!!’’