The Sierra Leone Web

  Festus M. Lansana, at the time this poem was submitted, was a final year student studying for his masters degree in Economics at the University of Botswana.  


"For years past the electoral process in Sierra Leone has been marked by violence, unrest and horror. A quiet moment spent on this reflection gave birth to this poem." - FML


In varied forms you appear
With colors you make your way
Sometimes violent you are
Peace seldom accompanies you
Why not choose the latter?

For my country, I have no sense
After five years you are ushered
But with fears we await
Those dreadful nights we foresee
Smiles are hardly in your face

Now you are back
Driven by a difference
Horrors and terrors we have seen
Yet we never gave up
What is ahead? No sense!

Reflections keep fears within
For years past have left this done
Civil unrest, no mistake you create
My good sleep you interrupt
Not for my day- no chances you give!

But too close you are at steps
With hopes we all await
Though dreadful you are
Happiness we expect
To keep our days bright