The Sierra Leone Web

  Bandamoi Totangi is a graduate of Njala University College. He currently lives in Maryland, USA.  


"This poem was conceived in reaction to the news of the wanton murder of my friend and most trusted cousin, Vafie Konneh. Rest in Peace Brother," -BT

On a Sad Note

If it be thus a dirge to sing
To departed comrades we mourn
Of struggles in the past
Those alutas, at last
These innocent lives to claim
Then sing, Oh wail aloud
To Colonel Vaff the bold
In the heart of his heart
Unvanquished still, the iroko in him
Revering never, the vampires' guns of hate.
But in this defiant grief of dead,
Shed you no more,
Those blood-drenched tears of sorrow.
Echo still the cry, ALUTA CONTINUA!