The Sierra Leone Web


Alhassan Kadiatu Turay, aka De Undisputed Poet of the 21st Century. He started writing poems since he sat his West Africa Secondary School Certificate Examination in 2014, and he is still writing poems



The Future

We are the light of the world
Whose brightness light every dark holes
With patience and courage we can change the world
Prepare us well, to see light in every poles

We are the future
And not dictator
Treat us like kings and queens for our future
For we train to be the world mentors

Parents realize that you are our dictators
Too much passion and care make us drop – out
With all the love and care we are still orators of the street
Treat us like mortal and not like eggs
C = Concentration and good control should be with us
H = Highlight us of the good way and not the bad way
I = Intellectuals must we be and not like robbers
L = Learning is better than silver and gold
D = Dishonesty and disrespectful we should not be to our parents, elders and anybody in society
R = Relentlessness and readiness should be our utmost priority
E = Educative must we be in every aspect of life
N = Nation builders are what we are so, parent invest in us


Sweet Dreams

Sweet dreams are always meant to be when sleeping
Dreaming for the betterment of tomorrow
Dancing and clapping while sleeping with flash light beauty of the country
Beauty all over the country, not until when I realize that I was dreaming

We are masters of hoes and cutlass
Not until when they came and out things apart
Responsible of looting our riches and leave us to fight among ourselves
I regret of having you as Master

Our wives and children drink from uncontaminated water
I was dreaming of a positive change
And not of looting, depriving us our right
Attention is not paid to merit or excellence, but to "Brown Envelop"

Our sisters and mothers has become object of sexual abuse with our representatives
They saw it as a way of enriching and satisfying their lust
Do you want us to go the wrong page?
The only way to get their attention is through womanizing
The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, so speak
Remember your manifesto
Where is your sense of patriotism?


Rich But Poor

Oh Sierra Leone a land of good agricultural productivity
Sierra Leone a land of educationist
Sierra Leone a land of mentors
Sierra Leone a land of visionaries but yet still a beggar

Tribalism we should avoid
Patriotism should be our concern
Intimidation should be at the mud
Development should meant for all and sundry

I hope your coming is not like railway track in our hearts
Our vision, mission lies on your head
Are you working according to your manifesto?
We are praying for a Moses and not a Pharaoh

Is this payback time?
When our sisters, mothers and the youth are cry
Oh Sierra Leone a land of good agricultural productivity
A land where the poor are seen and not heard
A land were poverty exceed the country's population
Are we facing our own judgment?

Oh Sierra Leone a land full of riches
Our sisters, mothers in the street are crying
Teachers are not considered as an important element in society
With all our minerals where are we?


The Unknown Beauty

Oh! The morning sunshine of Saint Monica University
The pride of any man
Upon whom the beauty lies
With sexy and attractive eyes

Shining like the Indian spice
With good and correct number eight
Are you a mermaid or the goddess of beauty?
Possessing the good conduct of a woman

Oh! Heavenly jewel, with sweet and romantic smell
Humble, respectful, trustworthy you posses
When you smile, the universe smile
Upon you every man shall live
Which part of the earth are you from?
Heaven and earth was created because of you
I wish and pray am in charge
Angels will sing of your beauty


Mr Redemer

I am what I am the street president
He that lives only on donors
Struggling, fighting for survival
A day is not enough for me to exist
Poverty is my name

I am that I am the street president
My veins are like railway track
The only hope left with me is Blue Shirt
My hands are made up of blisters
The best meal for the day is rat and cat

I am that I am the street president
He that lives through few alms of the day
My sweat I used as water
He that believes and trust in the Rabb
My room is the resting place of animals

I am that I am the street president
Governor of nowhere city
President of hypocrisy
Are you president of the street or the president of the country?
President of no integrity

I am that I am the street president
But an ordinary beggar of the street
What you motive again?
With the hopes of your people on you head

Deprivation and stigmatization is enough for this country
When the SUN has raised to 90º
The TREE leaves were dried up no place to hide
We have nothing to do but to fill the CENTRE

You were first call Good Samaritan, but now bad Samaritan
You were Godly person, but now cult man meant to be ruled
You were a good mother but now an abortionist
You were known as Mr. Democracy but now Mr. Monarch
Are you ruled by your sub?

My Mentor

Over 1400 years ago
A man was born, a light was born
He preaches with patience and not with ego
He was humble, respectful and honest
People call him "AL AMIN" the Trustworthy
But I call him the World Best Teacher

Over 1400 years ago, his message is still fresh in our memories
He teaches me about Islam
At 40 he was given the mantle of prophet hood
He was given the Quran as the world's manual
His character is mentored by all
His doctrine is for the betterment of mankind

The best greetings is assalamualiakum waramatullahi wabarakatu so be proud of extending it
The sustainer of all, the MALIK, the RAHIM, the RAHMAN
Your name shall never depart from me Ya Allah
In accident, problem I shout your name Ya Allah
Your name I start and end with

Hijab prevent you from the shameful act so wear it
Prayer is compulsory so pray endlessly
The Quran is guidance for mankind so be friendly with it
Learn from the World Best Teacher and not from commoners
For his religion is of peace and of war

Birthday Cake

We live in a land meant for the deaf
In which the respect of the masses are not seen
With tears running from our eyes
Is this a political birthday cake?

With riches abundant
But still a beggar
Through the help of others we can make
For the birthday cake is not meant for all but few

It is a matter of sending coin in the air?
Is it the country's birthday cake?
Pebaiyorthorni? In all the sufferings
Bribing and corruption the order of the day

We are native, but perishing with slow die poison
With great ambition still a drop – out
The electric bubble stops me from thinking positively
We are graduates of the street with disappointment talks

Masters of looting the county's resources
Is this the end time? When everybody is running
No place to hide, no place to go. Here is the only option
Are you doing your job as a watch dog or what?

Hosanna in the highest why?
Why education and agriculture in the mud?
Are you ambassadors of looting the birthday cake?
Is this what we need? Flowers in the street

Our bodies are like railway track
Anguish, deprivation, frustration and disappointment we carried in our heads
Infrastructure is not the people's choice, but rather peace, education, human capital and employment the cry of all
Thanks for the good work done sir son of the soil


Silver Spoon

When I sit and consider how I was brought
I fell very fatigue
It seems as if the land was meant for the doomsayer
Governors of disappointment
Where is the silver spoon?

We are born with silver spoon the words of the representatives
Our names are dragged into the mud
With the hope of seeing light in the end
But now the opposite

A land of beauty and God's ruba
A land of beauty full of ruba with agricultural productivities
A land full of God's favor
The heaven on earth is this land

With marthorfil and harmony, everybody is proud to live. Not until when it is taken away
A land full of civilization been push out of the earth
We are nothing but a common mongrel to the world's development
With all the minerals and natural resources we still a beggar
Running after our own silver spoon

In our land we become a stranger
With all educational degree still a commoner and a beggar
In our very eyes our brothers were slaughter because of unity
How I wish their ghost to join us in this fight

For they banked not in their anus but over their heads
For fear of losing their properties
Tribalism, nepotism, racism and favoritism we should avoid
For I know that the end justify the means


Goddess of Beauty

Oh! Goddess of beauty, with fine and smooth skin like that of a Lebanese
With melodious voice coming out of the sweet and romantic mouth
Which part of the earth are you? Sierra Leone or Lebanon
Red lips, white teeth and sweet tongue are a combination of a perfect mouth

Goodness and mercy shall follow any man that dwell in your arms
Sexy eyes and correct XY shape
Comely, comfit is the goddess of the world
Are you a mermaid or the goddess of beauty?
Humble, respectful, trustworthy and good behavior you posses

Oh! Heavenly jewel with sweet and romantic smell
With soft hands and clean fingers responsible for pain removal
With you the dream of any man, I pray and fast of your kind
Round eyes and straight nose


The Language of Corruption

Oh! Mama Salone why are you so fragile?
A country of rich minerals, now has been turned to a dustbin
Why is justice not prevailing in our country?
What is the language of corruption?

Legislative and Judiciary are dependent
"Truth the cry of all, the game of few
Why are you so indigents?
Senile person we appoint to be our lawyer

"It is one thing to show a man that he is in error another to put him in possession of the truth"
No matter how dark the bush is I will say the truth
Obdurate our leaders are, but we are more Obdurate then them
We pray to nature for change of leaders

The weak are always anxious for justice and equality, but the strong pays no heeds to either
The constitution is hidden to us, all "all men by nature desire to know"
Why is the constitution misused and misinterpret
Liberty, education and fraternity we need in our country, for the betterment of Mama Salone