The Sierra Leone Web

Abu Bakarr Fomba Swaray (Junior Fomba) was born in Kossoh Town Village Jui, his works have inspired the many who come across them. He is a prolific writer who writes on many topics surrounding life. He has seven award winning poems, including "On My Way to the World", "There is Nothing Like You", etc. which has made him the Best Islamic Poet in the Country although he equally writes on many ontemporary issues surrounding life and society.  


He is That Which He Seems

Life turns
Turns ceaselessly
Like a windmill
Stock beneath the earth

Sometimes it's like a cash
Cash flawlessly
To solve and to generate
The daggers that crept within

Life burns
Burns blazingly
Like a space station
Disconnected totally from peace

Sometimes it's like a boulder
Dropped aimlessly
To destroy the unknown
And to give life its worst wishes

Our lives are like sea
They contain mysteries
But glory is there for him
Who is content with what he seems

Angry Nature

Danxkzlmn Insbduxb
Nature yearn again to take his seat
Turning men into rubber, drawn beneath
Mystery boils behind the gas of surprise
But no man knows his next sigh
Yet he knows that noses are fixed on faces
Our mouths are left wide open
And our senses closed to the wrath
That nature flags on our beatless hearts
Fleshes drag to dust and bones quickly detached
Mudslide and flood again? What a pain?
Forced to be squeezed between the teeth of our souls
No more grief and tears refuse to spring forth
And to the never believes tell what else is left
To air their voices out and prayers left untouched