The Sierra Leone Web



Government of Sierra Leone - RUF - UNAMSIL

15 May 2001


1. In furtherance of the agreement reached in Abuja on 2 May 2001, a meeting of the Joint Committee on Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) comprising UNAMSIL, the Government of Sierra Leone and RUF was held at UNAMSIL Headquarters in Freetown on 15 May 2001.

2. The meeting was chaired by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Mr. Oluyemi Adeniji. The delegation of the Government of Sierra Leone was headed by the Attorney-General and Minister of Justice, Mr. Solomon Berewa. The Chairman of the Political and Peace Council, Mr Omrie Golley, led the RUF delegation. Representatives of the CDF attended as part of the Government delegation. A full list of the delegations is attached as Annex 1.

3. In view of the urgency of addressing the continuing fighting between the CDF and the RUF in the Eastern Province, the leaders of the CDF and the RUF issued a joint communiqué undertaking to ensure the immediate cessation of all hostilities and instructing their combatants forthwith to desist from any hostile activity. UNAMSIL was requested to ensure the observance of this undertaking as well as the unimpeded movement of persons, goods and services throughout the country.

4. The meeting examined the key issues relating to the DDR programme, including timetable and modalities for disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration of ex-combatants, responsibilities of the parties, monitoring mechanisms, sensitisation of combatants and communities.


5. The two parties agreed on the following:

  1. the immediate recommencement of the DDR programme with a fixed timetable;
  2. implement the simultaneous disarmament of CDF and RUF combatants;
  3. to release to UNAMSIL all child combatants and abductees, particularly young women and children, starting on 25 May 2001;
  4.  that the CDF and the RUF shall disclose the number of combatants and weapons by location to UNAMSIL. Global figures and types of weapons in the possession of RUF and CDF were communicated to the meeting by them;
  5. criteria established by the NCDDR for the eligibility of ex-combatants into the DDR programme;
  6. to consider, as a matter of urgency, the establishment of DDR camps in Lunsar, Makeni, Kamakwie, Masingbi, Koidu, Kailahun, Alikalia, Pujehun and Bonthe, in addition to the existing facilities in Port Loko, Bo, Moyamba, Kenema and Daru;
  7. an encampment period of maximum four weeks for combatants during which they will undergo orientation and counselling programmes;
  8. the principle of a cordon and search after the established period for disarmament;
  9.  include the RUF and the CDF in the planning and implementation of the entire DDR programme.

6. In connection with disarmament in Kambia and Port Loko districts, the two parties agreed on the following:

  1. disarmament process for both RUF and CDF in Kambia district to begin on 18 May 2001 and to be completed not later than 28 May 2001;
  2. disarmament in Port Loko will also start during this period;
  3. Port Loko DDR camp will be used as a common facility for demobilisation of RUF and CDF ex-combatants disarmed in Kambia district;
  4. NCDDR will immediately begin the preparation of a DDR camp in Lunsar;
  5. the RUF provisionally estimates 1000 combatants in Kambia; the precise figure will be confirmed by Friday 18 May 2001. The CDF estimates 350 combatants in the Kambia district plus 735 in Port Loko district.

7. By the end of May 2001, recommendations will be made by the joint Technical Committee on the next locations by district for the country-wide implementation of the DDR.


8. In addition to the existing integration programme of NCDDR, the two parties:

  1. proposed the establishment of a Trust Fund, with the assistance of the international community, to support the reintegration of ex-combatants. The modalities for the Fund will be worked out by the two parties and interested partners through a working group;
  2. agreed to open access to all identifiable Government positions, including SLA and SLP, on the basis of existing criteria for recruitment shared during the meeting;
  3. agreed that special attention be accorded to dependants of ex-combatants.

Monitoring mechanisms

9. The two parties agreed to:

  1. use the Ad-hoc DDR Committee, comprising the Government of Sierra Leone, RUF, UNAMSIL and the CCP to monitor the overall implementation of the DDR programme;
  2. use the existing NCDDR structure, with the participation of the RUF and the CDF, to review technical issues relating to the DDR programme;
  3.  include RUF and CDF representatives in NCDDR regional structures to monitor implementation of the programme in the various regions.


10. The two parties agreed:

  1. to form joint sensitization teams to visit various parts of the country to educate the combatants about the present decisions;
  2. to arrange visits of joint teams to witness disarmament processes, starting in Kambia and Port Loko districts on 18 May 2001;
  3. to promote country-wide community reconciliation processes.

Other matters

11. The RUF requested the release of its members currently detained by the Government as a confidence-building measure. It also enquired about the alleged deaths of some of them under custody. The Government assured the meeting that no RUF detainee had died in custody and reaffirmed its commitment to consider the release of detainees especially in the light of progress being made in the peace process.

12. In connection with the RUF's request for Government assistance in the provision of public buildings in Freetown and in the provinces for party offices, the Government invited the RUF to identify such premises and to bring the information to Government's attention.


Freetown, 15 May 2001.