The Sierra Leone Web


Brussels, 15 May 1998

8534/98 (Presse 154)

P 43/98


Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union and
the United States on Rebel Atrocities against Civilians in Sierra Leone

The European Union and the United States express the gravest concern at the violent attacks by the Revolutionary United Front and the deposed Military Junta on the civilian population of Sierra Leone. The EU and US have evidence of widespread slaughter and injury by rebel forces, including amputation of limbs and facial mutilation with machetes. Many women and children have been raped. This unspeakable cruelty is a gross violation of human rights and international humanitarian law.

The European Union and the United States strongly condemn these horrific actions and urge all parties to call an immediate halt to the senseless slaughter, mutilation, and torture of the civilian population in Sierra Leone and to show full respect for human rights.

The European Union and the United States commend the role of ECOWAS and call on all regional states to assist in facilitating an agreed end to conflict in line with the Conakry Accord.