![]() November 1999 |
30 November: In a 5:00 a.m. ceremony at Lungi International Airport, Sierra Leone government and United Nations officials welcomed a contingent of some 130 There has been a "surge" in the number of former combatants who have registered at Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) camps since RUFP leader and CMMRD Chairman Foday Sankoh talked to his men, according to a United Nations statement issued on Tuesday. "Former combatants who have now disarmed include 1,342 from the RUF, 494 from the Armed Forces Revolutionary Council and 515 from the Civil Defense Force," the statement said. In a BBC interview broadcast on Tuesday, presidential spokesman Septimus Kaikai expressed optimism about the disarmament process. "The rebels have been disarming," he told the BBC Network Africa programme. "In the beginning it was a very slow start, but that picked up quite a bit this past weekend. The information I have clearly indicates that somewhere in the neighbourhood of 1,800 people have been disarmed, with a significant number of weapons. If that trend should continue — we’re talking about the 15th of December deadline for the disarmament of these people — one can speculate very easily that we’ll be able to disarm if not all, but a significant, significant number of them." Kaikai addressed reports carried by the BBC on Monday and Tuesday that RUF field commander Sam "Mosquito" Bockarie was objecting to his troops being disarmed by ECOMOG soldiers, or by former ECOMOG soldiers who would be absorbed into the United Nations peacekeeping force. "Well, what we know is that he has made it known to us and to his leadership over and over again that (Bockarie) is working with Corporal Foday Sankoh and that he takes orders from him," Kaikai said. "That being the case, Foday Sankoh has asked all of his people to disarm. I would believe they would follow suit. You see Sam Bockarie is a Sierra Leonean. I believe he has the best interests of this country at heart. At least I hope so. He has seen that this country has been destroyed, quite a bit. He’s very much aware of that. I believe that taking cognizance of the fact that so much destruction has been done to this country, both psychologically and materially, that he would try — and I believe he will try — to do what is in the best interests of everybody in this country and that is to participate in the disarmament programme. We believe he will do that." About 700 people arrived at the Guinea border on Monday, reportedly fleeing from rebel attacks in northwestern Sierra Leone, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said on Tuesday. According to the BBC, hundreds of people have attempted to flee to Guinea following rebel attacks near the border. BBC correspondent Sylvester Rogers, in a report broadcast on Tuesday, said rebels clashed with Ghanaian ECOMOG troops Monday night during a raid on the town of Madina. "According to civilians fleeing from the area, RUF rebels launched their attack at around 10:20 last night, killing one Ghanaian ECOMOG soldier in Madina Village, 3 kilometres from Pepel Island," Rogers said. "An undisclosed number of people, including children, were reportedly abducted by the rebels... When they arrived at the Ghana-ECOMOG barracks at Madina, the RUF soldiers were told to return to their positions. They refused and then opened fire indiscriminately, killing one of the Ghanaian troops instantly." Rogers said the Ghanaians then launched a counter-offensive, killing four rebel fighters. He noted that the clash marked the first time the Ghanaian had been involved in military action. "Residents of Madina were awoken this morning by the sound of sporadic gunfire and were forced to flee when the rebels began setting fire to buildings," Rogers said. "One trader who returned from the area this morning reported that hundreds of people have already fled from Madina. The rebels are said to have threatened to return to the town and cause more destruction." Rogers also cited reports from Kambia District where, he said, fighting had continued for a fifth day between RUF fighters and Guinean ECOMOG troops. "One member of the Special Security Division is reported to have died, whilst the town of [Mapotolo] is said to have been burned to the ground," he said. The London-based human rights group Amnesty International expressed concern 700 exiled Sierra Leonean soldiers and their dependants are to leave Liberia for Sierra Leone this week, Sierra Leone's Ambassador to Liberia, Dr. Kemoh Salia Gbao, told Liberia's Star Radio on Tuesday. He said the soldiers would depart in two groups on Wednesday and Friday. 400 would travel to Kenema and Daru by road, while the rest would be repatriated to Freetown by sea, he said. The ambassador said 150 soldiers and dependants left for Sierra Leone last week. The British government has donated nearly $400,000 worth of broadcast equipment for the government-owned Sierra Leone Broadcasting Service (SLBS), Liberia's Star Radio reported on Tuesday. The equipment, which included an outside broadcast van and a public address system, was handed over to Information Minister Dr. Julius Spencer by British High Commissioner Peter Penfold. 29 November: An advance team of nine Kenyan civilian staff officers and civilian administrators was in Freetown on Monday, but an expected contingent of some 130 Kenyan troops for the United Nations peacekeeping force again failed to arrive from Nairobi. According to the Associated Press, government and U.N. officials who had been waiting at Lungi International Airport since morning returned to Freetown Monday evening by helicopter. No reason was given for the Kenyans' failure to show up, but logistical reasons were cited last Thursday when the contingent was initially due to arrive. According to BBC West Africa Correspondent Mark Doyle, some of the equipment did in fact reach Freetown from Abidjan on Wednesday evening. "A huge Antonov cargo plane was sitting on the airport's tarmac this morning. It arrived yesterday afternoon with some generators and other logistical supplies, and a handful of the Kenyan staff officers also came," Doyle told the BBC Focus on Africa programme. On October 22, the U.N. Security Council authorised up to 6,000 peacekeeping troops for Sierra Leone, with just over half of that number to be contributed by ECOWAS countries. Many of those are expected initially to be ECOMOG soldiers who will simply don the blue helmets of the U.N. force. The balance of the force will come from other countries, primarily Kenya and India. According to Doyle, the Kenyans will set up a temporary transit base at Lungi. "The Kenyan lieutenant colonel, who is here as an advance officer, as it were, tells me that they will be deploying to the northern towns of Makeni and Magburaka," he said. "This Kenyan colonel told me that he had been to Makeni in the last couple of days. He met with the RUF commander who apparently controls Makeni [Brigadier Issa Sesay], and he said that he had a cup of tea with him, and that the commander said that his troops were welcome." The UNAMSIL peacekeeping force will be commanded by an Indian general, Vijay Kumar Jetley, who is expected to be seconded by a Nigerian officer. A Ghanaian will reportedly fill the position of Chief Military Observer, replacing Brigadier-General Subhash Chand Joshi, who commanded the United Nations Military Observer Force in Sierra Leone (UNOMSIL). BBC Bo correspondent Prince Brima alleged on Monday that the RUF field commander, Sam "Mosquito" Bockarie, last week "held a series of meetings with his commanders in which he gave an order they should not allow any ECOMOG or U.N. military troops to disarm them." He also alleged an RUF military buildup in Kailahun District. His gave his source as "people who have been escaping from the area," and there has been no independent confirmation of the report. Schools and the local market in Kabala have reopened, Makeni Bishop George Biguzzi told the Rome-based Missionary Services News Agency (MISNA) on Monday after reaching the city by helicopter. Biguzzi visited a hospital operated by the French medical charity Médecins sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders), the Catholic Mission, and a displaced camp on the outskirts of town. 28 November: 900 RUF rebel troops have surrendered their weapons in Port Loko District over the past 72 hours, the Rome-based Missionary Services News Agency (MISNA) reported on Sunday. Among the fighters were a number of children, MISNA said. The news agency reported that a public transport vehicle was attacked south of Port Loko on Saturday by unidentified persons. Two of the passengers were wounded when a grenade landed not far from the vehicle. 27 November: RUFP Minister of Trade and Industry Mike Lamin left Freetown for the United States on Saturday to attend the World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference which gets underway in Seattle, Washington on Tuesday, a source close to the RUFP told the Sierra Leone Web. President Kabbah is in Amman, Jordan, where he will deliver the keynote address on Sunday to the plenary of the Seventh World Assembly of the World Conference on Religion and Peace. 26 November: Finance Minister Dr. James Jonah announced on Friday an austerity budget of Le 275.98 billion ($128 million at the official exchange rate of Le 2,154 RUF leader and CMRRD Chairman Foday Sankoh, accompanied by ECOMOG commander Major-General Gabriel Kpamber and U.S. Ambassador Joseph Melrose Jr., visited Port Loko on Thursday to explain the Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) programme to RUF fighters deployed there. The security situation during the visit was described by BBC West Africa Correspondent Mark Doyle. "My overwhelming impression was of a military security. ECOMOG troops protected us all. Heavily armed American commandos bristling with guns and communications gear protected their ambassador and his helicopter. Another helicopter, a fearsomely armed gunship, was patrolling the skies. It was obvious that Sierra Leone is not yet at peace." Doyle summarized the terms of the DDR programme: "If they bring guns to a demobilisation center, they go through a period of debriefing. If this goes well, they receive the equivalent in local currency of $150. Then they are officially demobilised. After a further three months, if they have found themselves a new civilian role, they get a further $150 equivalent." He quoted a government official as saying the programme had been "constrained" because former combatants wanted money before they handed in their guns, whereas donor countries financing the operation wanted the guns before they would give the money. The group undertook a similar mission to Lunsar on Friday. 25 November: The first unit of peacekeeping troops for the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL) failed to arrive in Freetown on Thursday. Deputy UNAMSIL Commander Colonel David Chepkwony said late Wednesday that the arrival of 135 Kenyan troops had been postponed for logistical reasons. They are now expected to reach Sierra Leone on Monday. The anti-corruption bill submitted to Parliament should be ratified "very shortly," presidential spokesman Septimus Kaikai told the U.N. Integrated Regional Information Network (IRIN) on Thursday. "The initial reaction of Parliament was that it was needed," Kaikai said. He said it would cover all aspects of public life in a bid to stamp out corruption. "No one will be immune, not even the President," he added. The AFRC has distanced itself from the new Revolutionary United Front Party (RUFP) registered on Monday by its erstwhile rebel allies of the RUF. In a statement issued in Freetown on Thursday, the AFRC said it "has nothing to do with the political organisation RUF party." The alliance between the two rebel groups has shown increasing signs of strain since the signing of the Lomé Peace Accord in July. In October fighting broke out between the two sides at Makeni and Lunsar. The AFRC statement said it preferred to place "a premium on the disarmament of SLA soldiers who were involved in the conflict and not party politics at the moment," adding: "The AFRC believes that the continuous clamour by the people of Sierra Leone for lasting peace should be the concern for all while other interests kept behind for now." The National Committee for Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (NCDDR) said Thursday that 117 more combatants had been disarmed, bring the total to 1,063. 594 weapons and 7,628 rounds of ammunition were also turned over, the Committee said. Slightly different figures were given Wednesday by the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL), which said 1,125 of an estimated 45,000 combatants had so far been disarmed. A tense situation was defused at the Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) camp at Port Loko last week after former rebels complained about delays in receiving their allowances and food for their families, ECOMOG spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Chris Olukolade told the U.N. Integrated Regional Information Network (IRIN). "After persuasion, people were pacified and the situation was brought under control before it became a full-blown riot," he said. There are some 500 people at the camp, Olukolade said, but added that not everyone was involved in the incident. Their complaints were raised Tuesday at the regular meeting of the National Committee for Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (NCDDR), where it was decided that a delegation to include ECOMOG force commander Major-General Gabriel Kpamber, U.S. Ambassador Joseph Melrose Jr., RUF leader Corporal Foday Sankoh, and government officials would undertake a "sensitisation" visit to the camp. Nigerian Defence Minister Lieutenant-General (Rtd.) Theophilus Danjuma said Thursday that the decision of the United Nations to become involved in the Sierra Leone crisis marked the end of the ECOMOG force. Danjuma told Kaduna Radio Nigeria that at present ECOWAS heads of state had passed no resolution to raise a standing army or an intervention force in the sub-region. "The minister explained that it was difficult to raise such an army on a continent like Africa without the assistance of a strong and wealthy nation," the radio said. RUFP Minister of Trade and Industry Mike Lamin narrowly escaped serious injury President Kabbah is set to leave for Amman, Jordan where he will deliver the keynote address to the plenary of the Seventh World Assembly of the World Conference on Religion and Peace (WCRP), a diplomatic source told the Sierra Leone Web on Thursday. The British commander of the Sierra Leone Police Force, Police Inspector-General Keith Biddle, has announced an anti-corruption drive aimed at restoring the reputation of the force after years of malpractice, BBC West Africa correspondent Mark Doyle reported on Thursday. Biddle said corrupt officers would face the full weight of the law, adding that several policemen were already being prosecuted for corruption. He said that police salaries had been increased substantially to lift junior officers out of poverty and so discourage them from stealing. "Police dishonesty here goes from top to bottom. It includes senior officers illegally renting armed police for cash payments and goes right down to traffic cops harassing motorists for petty bribes," Doyle noted. Biddle, a senior British police officer who was recently named to head the force by President Kabbah, "said he was aware that his appointment as a British police officer could be criticised as a neo-colonial anachronism. But he said he had support from honest police officers and the bulk of ordinary Sierra Leoneans." 24 November: The United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL) reported Wednesday that the Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) programme was continuing at a slow pace, with only 1,125 of an estimated 45,000 combatants having so far been disarmed. Of this total, 102 were from the RUF, 523 from the AFRC, and 500 from the pro-government Civil Defence Forces. 108 of the number were children. Meanwhile, a UNAMSIL assessment team visited Kabala on Tuesday, where they met with civilians and heard victims and witnesses speaking of rape, abducting, maiming and branding by former rebels, according to a statement issued by the Office of the Spokesman for U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan. 23 November: A human rights assessment mission conducted at Lungi and Port Loko last week by the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL) has Malian President Alpha Oumar Konare said Monday that his country is prepared to Czech Deputy Foreign Minister Hynek Kmonicek visited Freetown from November 18-22, primarily to review security in the country where five Czech soldiers are participating in the UNAMSIL peacekeeping mission. According to Radio Prague, Kmonicek also met with President Kabbah and RUF leader and CMRRD Chairman Foday Sankoh. A Russian arms merchant, "Victor B.", took advantage of loopholes in Belgian laws designed to prevent international arms smuggling, using front companies to ship arms to conflict zones in Africa and the Middle East from 1995 to 1997, according to an international study to be published shortly. The study, entitled "The Arms Fixers," by Brian Wood and Johan Peleman, alleges that in early 1999 using a partly Belgian-owned air freight company, "Victor B.", thought to be a former KGB agent, "succeeded in transporting arms from Bratislava via Liberia to an armed uprising in Sierra Leone," according to a review broadcast Tuesday by Brussels De Morgen Radio. 22 November: The RUF moved to transform itself into a political party Monday by registering with the Interim National Electoral Commission (INEC). In a ceremony observed by what the BBC described as "hundreds of his supporters and ordinary people (who) overwhelmed the nearby streets in a festive mood," RUF leader Corporal Foday Sankoh, flanked by senior RUF officials, presented Acting INEC Chairman Ibrahim Sesay with the rebel movement's application to register as Sierra Leone's 18th political party, and received from Sesay a provisional certificate of registration. The new party, which will be represented by the symbol of a lion — what RUF spokesman Eldred Collins earlier described as a "peaceful lion" in honour of the country's name — is to be known as the Revolutionary United Front Party (RUFP). Its colours are to be green and gold. "You are now free to participate in the politics of Sierra Leone," Sesay told Sankoh after issuing the provisional certificate. Describing the event as "historic," Sesay continued: "We were all looking forward to this day and we hope the RUF will now surrender their arms and ammunition in keeping with the Lomé Peace Accord. We must now accommodate each other as this is the hallmark of democracy." He said that a further meeting between INEC and RUFP officials would be held to work out and implement additional requirements before a final certificate was issued. "War is over and now we are talking politics," Sankoh said in response. "The war has now ended and we are in peace. We are going to give up all our arms and we have succeeded in getting democracy...We took guns for democracy and now that we have a proper system, that is the Lomé Peace Accord. We will prove to the world and our people that RUFP believe in democracy...We are no more under the rule of war but the rule of law. The ballot box has replaced the guns and the war is over." Addressing his supporters at Victoria Park following the ceremony, Sankoh told them that sustainable peace is the pillar of democracy, and that the time had come to talk politics, not war. As reported by the Sierra Leone News Agency (SLENA), Sankoh said that when the RUFP came to power its priority would be to provide free education at all levels. He pointed to tribalism, nepotism and sectionalism as factors responsible for the country's predicaments. According to BBC correspondent Lansana Fofanah, about 15 truckloads of RUF supporters arrived in Freetown from the countryside on Sunday night "to grace the occasion." 21 November: Unidentified armed men ambushed a bus in Kambia District on Friday and abducted a number of civilian passengers, state radio reported on Sunday. The 50-seater bush was on its way to Pamalap when it was attacked near the Mange Bridge, about 50 miles from Freetown. There was no word on how many passengers were abducted, but those remaining, whose luggage was stolen, were brought back to Freetown by ECOMOG. Meanwhile, the Agence France Presse (AFP) said boat owners plying the sea route off Kambia District were frequently attacked by pirates. Boat Owners' Association Secretary-General Alikali Kargbo said the latest attack occurred on Saturday and involved two boats. "The pirates are so daring that they don't even wear masks. They are armed but have not shot at any one," he said. "They are using local boats equipped with outboard motors to attack commercial boats. They cart away anything found on board including petrol. If there is not anything valuable, passengers are beaten until they are helpless." 20 November: General Vijay Kumar Jetley of the Indian Army has been selected to lead the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL), a diplomatic source told the Sierra Leone Web late Friday. Jetley formerly served in the U.N. Iran/Iraq Military Observer Group (UNIIMOG). "He is in New York this week for briefing, and expects to take up his appointment in the next few weeks," the source said. 19 November: After being released from RUF captivity in Makeni and flown to Freetown on Thursday, former President Joseph Saidu Momoh has recounted his treatment at the hands of the RUF. "Well, to be very frank with them I was treated with a lot of courtesy and respect," Momoh told the BBC Network Africa programme on Thursday evening. "There was no verbal assault on me; there was no physical assault on me. But at the same time my movements were restricted. I was held against my will, and I experienced some difficulty with food not [indistinct] provided me by them. No medical facility was made available to me, irrespective of the fact that I had told them I was not well, and in fact they really knew it." Momoh acknowledged that he "certainly" had fears for his life. "Living among those chaps is far from being comfortable," he said. "With all sorts of weapons all over the place, and some of them in the hands of small boys. So I felt most uncomfortable in their midst. I have to admit that." Momoh, who was received by President Kabbah upon his return to the capital, said Kabbah told him Sierra Leone was looking to sustain the peace that had been negotiated. "So, and he was hoping that in whatever way I could cooperate with him to ensure the peace was received, I should do." The former president, who was convicted last November on two counts of conspiracy for his alleged role in the coup which overthrew the civilian government in May 1997, again protested his innocence. "Well no, I don’t think so, I don’t think so. I think (Kabbah) knew definitely...I couldn’t have done that because I was a civilian. So and I cannot see, I cannot see civilian overthrowing a government." He insisted that he and Kabbah had never been enemies. "I don’t believe in being enemies with anybody. We have never been enemies at all. We’ve always been good friends," he said. Momoh also described his encounter with RUF leader and CMRRD Chairman Foday Sankoh, who ordered his release. "Well in fact he himself did say when we met on Sunday this is the time for reconciliation, etc., etc. So [indistinct] I’ve never been enemies with him." Momoh said his first priority would be to seek medical treatment. "I have some problems with my health," he said. "What I want to do now is seek professional medical advice, get treatment. And once I’m absolutely certain about my health again, then I’ll turn to God Almighty to direct me what to do next." Asked whether he would consider a return to politics, he replied: "Well I’m not thinking about that right now." In a separate interview with the Sierra Leone News Agency (SLENA), Momoh said he had been held by the RUF at Makeni from August 21 to November 11, an ordeal which he described as "hellish and tough." He dismissed reports he had faced trial by the RUF as "rubbish." He said he had barely managed to survive, and at times was reduced to eating only cassava. SLENA reported that Momoh suffers from hypertension, and that he has developed a problem with his left eye. Following a closed-door meeting of the United Nations Security Council on Friday, Parliamentary debate on the Anti Corruption Act, 1999, placed before Parliament by 18 November: Former President Joseph Saidu Momoh was airlifted by helicopter from Makeni to Freetown on Wednesday, according to reports published Thursday by the Concord Times and the Agence France-Presse (AFP). Family sources told the AFP his release followed last week's trip to Makeni by RUF leader and CMRRD Chairman Foday Sankoh, who met with Momoh in an effort "to reconcile their differences." The sources said Momoh "has lost of lot of weight and looks sick." At the end of October Momoh's lawyer, acting APC leader Serry Kamal, charged that he had been abducted by the RUF during clashes between rival rebel factions at Makeni. Several local newspapers alleged that the former president had been taken to Kailahun District. Momoh's supporters, including Kamal and exiled APC Secretary-General Eddie Turay, angrily demanded his release. In November 1998 Momoh was convicted by the High Court on two charges of conspiracy in connection with his alleged support of the former AFRC military junta, and was sentenced to two concurrent five-year prison terms (a total five-year sentence). He was freed from Pademba Road Prison during the rebel attack on Freetown in January. In March, former journalist and BBC Network Africa presenter Hilton Fyle told the BBC that he and Momoh were with the RUF forces "somewhere in the center of the country." Since then, he is believed to have resided in Makeni, where an humanitarian source told the Sierra Leone Web at the weekend aid workers had seen him "a few weeks ago." He was officially pardoned in July, following the signing of the Lomé Peace Accord. Momoh became President of Sierra Leone in 1985, but fled to Guinea in 1992 after his government was overthrown in a military coup. He returned from exile in February 1997. A Hong Kong court on Thursday sentenced former Principal Immigration Officer Solomon Dominic Musa to three years in prison for selling three Sierra Leonean diplomatic passports for $540,000, the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) said in a statement. Musa in February after he tried to sell the passports to ICAC undercover agents posing as courier service businessmen who wanted to avoid customs inspections. An ICAC statement issued at the time said Musa was one of eight persons arrested in connection with an investigation into an international crime syndicate involved with various serious criminal offences. 17 November: United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan has appointed veteran Nigerian diplomat Oluyemi Adeniji as his Special Representative to Sierra Leone, replacing Francis Okelo who ends his two-year stint in the position. Adeniji joined the Nigerian Foreign Service in 1960, and early in his career served in his country's embassies in Washington, D.C., Freetown and Accra, Ghana, as well as in various capacities in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From 1970 to 1973, he was Minister in the Nigerian Permanent Mission to the United Nations. He was appointed Ambassador to Austria and Permanent Representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in 1976. From 1977 to 1981 he served as Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva and Ambassador to Switzerland. From 1987 to 1991 he was Nigeria's Ambassador to France. Adeniji was appointed the Director-General of the Nigerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1991, where he served until his retirement in 1994. He is considered to be an expert on the subject of disarmament and conflict resolution, and has authored several publications on both subjects. In 1998 Annan appointed Adeniji to be his Special Representative for the Central African Republic. Adeniji was educated at the Ijebu-Ode Grammar School, the Nigerian College of Arts, Science and Technology, and the University College, Ibadan and London University. The United Nations said on Wednesday that it will begin deployment of AFRC leader and CCP Chairman Lieutenant-Colonel Johnny Paul Koroma has visited Parliament on Tuesday unanimously approved the nomination of Francis Musa as Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and the Environment. Musa is one of four deputy ministers whose names were submitted by the RUF under the terms of the Lomé Peace Accord. Also approved were the nominations of Dr. Mohamed Lahai O’bai Samura as Ambassador to Libya and former Trade, Industry and Transportation Minister Alie Thorlu Bangura as Sierra Leone’s High Commissioner to Ghana. 16 November: United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Carolyn McAskie, who last week headed a humanitarian assessment mission of Life is beginning to return to normal at Mile 91 despite the lack of basic supplies, 15 November: RUF leader and CMRRD Chairman Foday Sankoh told his supporters in Makeni on Sunday that the time had come for them to turn in their weapons. Several members of the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL) who were allegedly detained by the RUF on Friday and taken to the rebel stronghold at Buedu have denied they were abducted. "It was offered to them, and they decided to take them up on the offer," a humanitarian source told the Sierra Leone Web on Monday. U.S. National Security Advisor Sandy Berger said Monday that a compromise Commonwealth heads of state meeting in Durban, South Africa issued a communiqué on Monday deploring recent violations of the Lomé Peace Accord and calling upon all parties to fulfil their commitments on the disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration of combatants. The communiqué also commended the ECOMOG force, and expressed support for the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL). Meanwhile President Kabbah, who is in South Africa to attend the meeting, met with Queen Elizabeth and with other heads of state to express appreciation for their support throughout the Sierra Leone crisis, the Sierra Leone News Agency (SLENA) reported. 14 November: Five people were killed and three more hospitalised in critical condition Saturday night resulting from a stampede Saturday night at the Rumours nightclub in western Freetown when security forces attempted to arrest curfew violators. Dozens of others have reportedly been treated for injuries at various medical facilities around the capital. According to the BBC, a disco dance at the club was organised by schoolchildren from St. Joseph's and St. Edward's Secondary Schools in Freetown. An ECOMOG statement issued on Sunday said 750 persons violated the curfew, resulting in a raid by what Reuters identified as a joint force of ECOMOG and the new Sierra Leonean military. However, Rumours Assistant Manager Ibrahim Turay told Reuters that the club had obtained a permit from ECOMOG to operate during curfew hours. He said the troops who entered the club ordered the patrons to sit on the floor, and threatened to shoot anyone who disobeyed. The statement issued by ECOMOG spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Chris Olukolade expressed regret over the incident and extended condolences to the families of those who had died, but added: "ECOMOG advises all citizens to desist from violating any of the security regulations of the State of Sierra Leone, which the force has a responsibility to enforce. The curfew order which forms part and parcel of the security measures is still in force from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m." Reuters quoted a senior CID officer as saying that 15 soldiers and paramilitary police had been arrested after the incident, but noted that Olukolade's statement made no mention of this. 13 November: Several members of the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL) were detained by the RUF in Kailahun on Friday, a humanitarian source told the Sierra Leone Web on Saturday. "They were taken against their will to Buedu, had to wait for some time, and then finally Maskita (RUF field commander Sam Bockarie) agreed to see them," he said, adding that the military observers were released before midnight and returned to their patrol vehicles. He said representations were being made to RUF leader and CMRRD Chairman Foday Sankoh on the issue. The source also said there had as yet been no confirmation of a BBC report Thursday that hundreds of RUF fighters had reported to the Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) Centre at Daru. Referring to an allegation circulated in a press release Friday by AFRC leader and CCP Chairman Lieutenant-Colonel Johnny Paul Koroma that the RUF had "attacked several small satellite villages around Kabala town" and was preparing to launch an attack on Kabala itself with the aim of dislodging ECOMOG troops stationed there, the humanitarian source said that as of Saturday morning the town was quiet, with no reports of fighting. 12 November: Seven truckloads of ECOMOG soldiers arrived in Makeni on Thursday in preparation for an anticipated visit by RUF leader and CMRRD Chairman Foday Sankoh, the Rome-based Missionary Services News Agency (MISNA) reported on Friday. The troops, who were sent to the northern provincial capital to ensure Sankoh's safety, were camped at the city's athletic field, MISNA said. However, according to Freetown's Concord Times newspaper, Sankoh on Thursday again postponed his trip to Makeni. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Sadako Ogata, said on Friday 11 November: Hundreds of RUF combatants have begun reporting to a disarmament and demobilisation centre at Daru after being instructed to do so by their leader, CMRRD Chairman Foday Sankoh, the 15th ECOMOG brigade commander, Brigadier-General David Dufor, said in Kenema on Thursday. According to BBC Bo correspondent Prince Brima, members of the pro-government Civil Defence Forces militia have begun reporting to centres in Kenema District after learning of compliance by RUF fighters. "According to reports from Daru, the commanding officer of the ECOMOG in Daru in eastern Sierra Leone, Lieutenant-Colonel Vincent, has provided vehicles to help the transportation of RUF combatants from Segbwema and eastern environs to be disarmed," Brima said. "This move by Lieutenant-Colonel Vincent comes as a result of a visit on Tuesday to Daru and Segbwema by the RUF leader, Corporal Foday Sankoh, during which he called on his combatants to hand over their weapons to the United Nations Observer Team and ECOMOG." The BBC reporter added that Sankoh, in a two hour radio interview on Thursday morning, ordered RUF field commander Sam "Mosquito" Bockarie to comply with the Lomé Peace Accord and to allow RUF combatants to report to the disarmament centres. "Bockarie, who seemed reluctant to allow RUF fighters to be disarmed, was firmly told by Sankoh that he was no longer prepared to wage war on the people of Sierra Leone," Brima reported. "'I am for peace,' he said. 'I want to transform the RUF into a political party'." He added that Sankoh warned Bockarie he would not allow anyone to cause a split in the RUF. RUF leader and CMRRD Chairman Foday Sankoh has announced that the RUF will A high-level joint mission consisting of representatives of the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and a number of donor nations said in a a press conference Thursday that the security situation in Sierra Leone was not yet stable enough to allow full scale relief and humanitarian work to begin. "Our understanding as donors is that the security situation is still uncertain," said U.N. Undersecretary General for Humanitarian Affairs Carolyn McAskie, who led the mission. "This has meant that humanitarian agencies still don't have access to the suffering people." BBC correspondent Lansana Fofanah characterised the representatives as "not very, very enthusiastic about the situation" in Sierra Leone. "They were supposed to have gone to Lungi yesterday; they could not go there," he said. "And they were also supposed to go to Port Loko. Basically they said Kenema was stable, considerably, but that the overall situation wasn’t that very stable. On that note one journalist asked whether the assistance would be predicated on the stability of the situation. They said donor assistance is not based on any political consideration, but that all parties to the conflict must make sure that they quickly move the peace process and start the disarmament process. "The mission, which included members from the United States, Britain, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Canada, Ireland and Japan, left Sierra Leone on Thursday after a four day visit. 10 November: RUF leader and CMRRD Chairman Foday Sankoh, who travelled with ECOMOG force commander Major-General Gabriel Kpamber and U.N. military The Kenyan contingent of the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL) United Nations military observers have restored calm to the Lungi Disarmament and Demobilisation Camp after rioting broke out among rebel SLA soldiers The London-based human rights group Amnesty International, ahead of the 9 November: A group of former Sierra Leone Army soldiers encamped at the DDR (Disarmament, Demobilisation and Rehabilitation) camp at Lungi took to the streets on Monday, looting businesses and local institutions. "According to eyewitnesses from the area, the former combatants at the Lungi DDR centre abandoned their garrison and went on the rampage confiscating money and property from civilians and business people," BBC correspondent Lansana Fofanah reported on Tuesday. "The exact number of ex-fighters who took part in the demonstration is not clear, but the camp is said to hold more than 800. I understand that the Lungi open market and corner shops were looted and even schools and a local clinic there were not spared." Fofanah said the former combatants had been complaining about back pay owned to them, and also about poor living conditions at the camp. National Security Advisor Sheka Mansaray was quoted as saying that Chief of Defence Staff Maxwell Khobe and AFRC Brigadier Gabriel Mani had gone to Lungi in an attempt to persuade the soldiers to call off their action and to explain to them the benefits of the DDR programme. News accounts have frequently described Mani as the leader of a rival faction of the AFRC formerly headed by the late Captain Solomon A.J. "SAJ" Musa — an assertion denied by AFRC leader and CCP Chairman Lieutenant-Colonel Johnny Paul Koroma. Koroma confirmed to the Sierra Leone Web at the weekend that Mani was staying with him at his Juba Hill residence while visiting Freetown. 150 rebel SLA soldiers and about 40 civilians were killed in fighting between AFRC and RUF rebel forces at Makeni and Lunsar last month, AFRC Colonel Idriss Kamara was quoted as confirming in news accounts published on Tuesday. "The whole of Makeni and Lunsar as well as their surroundings are now in the hands of the RUF," the Agence France-Presse (AFP) quoted Kamara as saying, citing local press reports. Meanwhile, Deputy Minister of Rural Development and Local Government Dr. Emmanuel Fabai, an RUF appointee, said that RUF leader and CMRRD Chairman Foday Sankoh "will be visiting Makeni within the next three days." Sankoh, along with AFRC leader and CCP Chairman Lieutenant-Colonel Johnny Paul Koroma, was expected to leave Tuesday for Daru and Segbwema to explain the Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) programme to combatants in eastern Sierra Leone. RUF spokesman Eldred Collins told Freetown's Concord Times newspaper that Sankoh had left for Kailahun District, but was unable to confirm whether Koroma had accompanied him. "We expect (Sankoh) back in the evening, or latest tomorrow," Collins was quoted as saying. U.S. Attorney-General Janet Reno on Tuesday officially extended Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Sierra Leoneans for an additional twelve-month period (until 2 November 2000) for those who were covered under the original designation on 4 November 1997 and have continuously resided in the United States since that time. The Attorney-General also redesignated TPS to cover Sierra Leoneans and aliens having no nationality who last habitually resided in Sierra Leone who were in the U.S., legally or illegally, as of 9 November 1999. Sierra Leoneans covered under TPS are allowed to live and work in the U.S., but will be required to leave the country upon expiration of the TPS designation for Sierra Leone, unless they have otherwise changed their status with the Immigration and Naturalization Service. 8 November: RUF spokesman Eldred Collins told the Agence France-Presse (AFP) Monday that RUF leader and CMRRD Chairman Foday Sankoh had ordered his frontline commander in Makeni, Brigadier Issa Sesay, "to prepare his men for disarmament," adding "Issa himself will have to register at the disarmament site." Meanwhile, RUF field commander Sam "Mosquito" Bockarie accused the pro-government Civil Defence Forces and the AFRC of launching combined attacks Members of the United Nations Security Council expressed concern Monday at breaches in the Lomé Peace Accord. "They expressed their concern about the recent serious violations of the Lomé peace agreement and the resulting deterioration in the security situation in the country,'' said council president Danilo Turk of Slovenia. In a statement issued following a briefing by Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Hédi Annabi, Turk said members also noted the failure of fighters of the RUF and the Civil Defence Forces (CDF) to participate in the Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR), programme which began last Thursday, despite the fact that DDR camps had now opened. "They expressed dismay at recent clashes and urged the parties to abide by the Lomé agreement and solve their differences by peaceful means,'' the statement said. Security Council members emphasised the need for all parties to the Accord, and in particular RUF leader and CMRRD Chairman Foday Sankoh, to meet their obligations in full under the agreement. "They called on Mr. Sankoh to implement all the provisions of the agreement for which he is responsible, and especially to ensure the participation of the RUF in the DDR programs,'' Turk said. Liberian President Charles Taylor has expressed concern about renewed fighting in Sierra Leone. "We urge all the parties to exercise patience and continue to keep the process on track," he told reporters on Monday at a monthly press briefing in Monrovia. "We want to discourage any and all action that could deter the (peace) process." Taylor congratulated President Kabbah "for all of the hard work he is doing, and (we) will hold Koroma and Sankoh responsible for what they are doing." He expressed the hope that the "United Nations would hurry up to fulfil its end of the bargain, which is to send people on the ground." A high-level donor mission led by United Nations Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs Carolyn McAskie arrived in Sierra Leone Monday to assess the country's relief needs as it emerges from more than eight years of civil war. According to state radio the mission, which will leave on Thursday, includes representatives from the United States, Britain, Canada, Ireland, and Japan. Canadian National Defence Minister Art Eggleton announced Monday that Canada The AFRC called on Monday for the creation of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, as provided for in the Lomé Peace Accord. "The AFRC finds it to be very distasteful for some combatants to start trading accusations about which group committed atrocities during the past nine years in Sierra Leone," the "AFRC leadership" said in a statement signed by AFRC leader and CCCP Chairman Lieutenant-Colonel Johnny Paul Koroma. "The Truth and Reconciliation Commission will provide a forum for all Sierra Leoneans to tell their stories, express their grievances and identify those who tortured them," the statement said. "The Commission will be an essential part of the peace and reconciliation process and it must be supported by all Sierra Leoneans and by the International Community." The swift creation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission has been pushed for by the United Nations and by international human rights groups, but it is reportedly opposed by RUF leader and CMRRD Chairman Foday Sankoh. "I am for blanket amnesty. That means I am not going to try to investigate and arrest people. No...I don't want such a commission," Sankoh told the Agence France-Presse (AFP) in late September. Britain's Queen Elizabeth on Monday commended Ghana's contribution of peacekeeping troops to the ECOMOG force in Sierra Leone, saying that Ghana had made "a valuable contribution to the international effort to bring peace to that unhappy land." The Queen, who is currently on a visit to Ghana, added that "That vital effort is but one example of Ghana's long and distinguished history in international peacekeeping and conflict resolution." 7 November: Some 800 rebel fighters have reported to demobilisation camps in Port Loko District and have turned in their weapons, Associated Press correspondent Clarence Roy-Macaulay reported on Sunday, quoting United Nations military observers. Slightly different numbers were given by BBC correspondent Sylvester Rogers, who told the BBC Focus on Africa programme that about 600 fighters had handed in their weapons in the first three days of disarmament. "They are giving their weapons to ECOMOG officials and then they will remove the parts that they use to operate them," Rogers said. "When they remove that part — the operational part from the weapons — they will give them tags on their wrist with their documentation numbers." He said the former combatants were being given nothing in return for their guns. "They just take them to the various camps and then show them their billets and then they give them food, blankets, candles for them to use it while staying in the camp," he said. Rogers said recent strife between the RUF and AFRC did not appear to be responsible for the slow response to the disarmament programme. "It is not creating a lot of problems among the two groups of combatants, especially the AFRC soldiers; they are willing to give in their weapons, but the RUF combatants see it as a kind of betrayal," he said. "About two days ago, there was heavy exchange of fire between this group that had come in to surrender. The RUF was saying that the AFRC had betrayed them. They are not actually willing to come to give in their weapons." The BBC reporter said it was "difficult to say" whether any RUF fighters had reported to the demobilisation camps. "All those whom I met in the camps there claiming to be RUF fighters are just boys they adopted during the fighting," Rogers said. There are estimated to be be about 45,000 former combatants still under arms in Sierra Leone, many of them children, fighting with the RUF, the AFRC, and the pro-government Civil Defence Forces (CDF). 6 November: Few combatants showed up at demobilisation camps on Thursday, the first day of the Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) programme, United Nations officials said. According to Reuters, reporters who visited the camp at Masumana on Friday were told that only 120 fighters had turned themselves in. Many of them were said to be child combatants. Elsewhere, the response has been even worse, according to an official with the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL). "In some other areas, there hasn't been a single turnout," he said. The Center for Victims of Torture, a Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A. based 5 November: Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo received a 21-gun salute during welcoming ceremonies Friday upon his arrival in Freetown for a one-day The process of disarmament and demobilisation of combatants, which was to have begun in earnest on Thursday, received a disappointing response with the BBC reporting that relatively few combatants turned up at demobilisation camps. BBC correspondent Lansana Fofanah pointed to fighting between RUF and AFRC rebels in northern Sierra Leone, as well as the the arrest and disarmament of AFRC soldiers by RUF rebels in the east. "That has not helped the disarmament process in any way," he said. "In fact, yesterday the process was supposed to have gone into full swing, but my understanding is that very, very few rebels actually surrendered their guns, because they were expecting that once they hand over the guns they will be given $300 or more. And then this wasn’t forthcoming yesterday, and many were not very enthusiastic to pass over their guns." Reporting on events in eastern Sierra Leone, BBC Bo correspondent Prince Brima said that following the abduction Wednesday night of 500 AFRC soldiers by the RUF while on their way to a demobilisation camp at Daru, and because of widespread rumours that the RUF was still planning an attack to overthrow the government, Kamajor militiamen had suspended their participation in the disarmament process. "Yesterday a big disarmament exercise was supposed to take place at Kenema, but U.N. military observers and the personnel of the ECOMOG West African peacekeeping force waited in vain for combatants to turn up," Brima said. "This was a big disappointment, not only for the U.N. and ECOMOG, but also for members of the public. Kamajor fighters in Kenema who have been fighting against the rebels for few years, told me that they were now reluctant to turn in their weapons, and are insisting that they do so only if their former enemies the RUF and the AFRC do so simultaneously." Following a meeting between Sierra Leone's two rebel leaders and Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo, AFRC leader and CCCP Chairman Johnny Paul Koroma issued a press release stating he had called on RUF leader and CMRRD Chairman Foday Sankoh "to immediately surrender their arms to ECOMOG and UNAMSIL (United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone) and proceed to UNAMSIL disarmament centres." Koroma said Sankoh promised that beginning on Saturday "he would order his men to turn over the security arrangements for Makeni, Lunsar and those environs to the ECOMOG and UNAMSIL Forces...(and) that his men, including (Brigadier) Issa Sesay, who all failed to turn up for disarmament yesterday, will start reporting at disarmament centres as from tomorrow." There has been no independent confirmation of his claim. A Liberian development association, the Sustainable Development Promoters (SDP), has donated two mills to Sierra Leonean refugees in the towns Blamasee and Zuanah in Montserrado County, Liberia's Star Radio reported on Friday. The mills, valued at $15,000, will be used to make farina and to polish rice. SDP is an implementing partner of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). 4 November: The problem over the composition of the ECOWAS troop composition to the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL) has been resolved, with RUF leader and CMRRD Chairman Foday Sankoh and CCCP Chairman and AFRC RUF leader and CMRRD Chairman Foday Sankoh acknowledged Thursday that RUF troops in Kailahun District had briefly detained a team of U.N. workers on Tuesday. "On Tuesday November 2, four United Nations military observers entered Pendembu town in Kailahun District...without the knowledge of the RUF field commander in the area and they were arrested by combatants," Sankoh said, adding: "When they told me about the arrests I immediately contacted my men in Kailahun District by radio for the immediate release of the men, and my instruction was followed...So how come (U.N. Special Envoy to Sierra Leone Francis) Okelo is saying that we cannot adequately control our commanders or combatants?" Meanwhile, newly-appointed AFRC spokesman Prince Edward Nicol accused the RUF Thursday of kidnapping 500 rebel Sierra Leone Army (SLA) soldiers at Pendembu. "We have started the disarmament program today officially, but the RUF has captured 500 ex-combatants who were on their way to the reception and disarmament centers," Nicol told the BBC Focus on Africa programme. "They have been captured with their arms and ammunition, and they have been taken to unknown destinations." He said AFRC leaders had tried to contact Sankoh, without success. "We have phoned them, we have asked to contact their commanders, they have refused to talk, and this has created a lot of unease in the country," he said. Nicol insisted, however, that the AFRC still maintained its alliance with the RUF. "We are together," he said. "We are working together, but a group of unscrupulous people are just trying to create problems. We are all geared toward the enhancement of peace in this country, but there are certain people who just don't want to take instructions." AFRC spokesman Prince Edward Nicol has rejected an allegation made Tuesday by CMRRD Chaiman and RUF leader Foday Sankoh that AFRC soldiers wanted to retain the military ranks they assumed after the May 1997 coup. "How can a man who was a sergeant and who promoted himself to a brigadier or a general now want to be back in the army with that rank?", Sankoh asked in a Concord Times interview published on Wednesday. "At no point has any member of the AFRC demanded that they remain with the ranks they attained in the bush," Nicol told the Sierra Leone Web. "The 'brigadier' rank sported by AFRC sergeants are in the same category as the rank of 'major general' being sported by Sam Bockarie. They are all bush ranks. These major general and brigadier ranks are given in the bush only so as to maintain control over fighters. Sam Bockarie's major general rank and Issa Sesay's brigadier rank mean absolutely nothing inside he national army and Chairman Sankoh is aware of this." Nicol referred to the AFRC's September 3 communiqué, which argued that promotions conferred by the AFRC junta should stand because, it claimed, the Lomé Peace Accord recognised the validity of the October 1997 Conakry Peace Agreement and "hence the AFRC as a de-facto government." Nine United Nations agencies have launched a Consolidated Inter-Agency Appeal to donor nations for assistance to provide $70,961,440 in aid to Sierra Leone for the year 2000. The Appeal summary noted that there were "strong reasons to believe that the peace process is on track" while stressing that the majority of war-affected civilians remained out of the reach of humanitarian agencies to to difficulties in implementing the Lomé Peace Accord. "The successful implementation of the accord is key to moving Sierra Leone from relief to recovery," the Appeal said. "Now more than ever, it is urgent that the international guarantors of the Accord come to its support in order to allow all Sierra Leoneans to enjoy the dividends of peace." The Appeal acknowledged that "due to the prevailing situation in which all efforts must contribute to the overarching goal of peace," the Common Humanitarian Action Plan (CHAP) envisaged by the Appeal established goals which, by most standards, were not traditionally humanitarian. "However, we feel that within the next one to three years Sierra Leone will achieve peace and the requisite political and social stability that go with it, and that the Consolidated Appeals Process (CAP) should serve as a pillar of that peace," the Appeal said. "The promotion of a culture of good governance, democracy and observance of human rights must be linked to the economic rehabilitation of the informal and private sector to produce a politically robust and stable society. In addition, the government of national unity urgently requires capacity building, in order to effectively provide services to citizens as the nation moves from a relief economy to self-reliance." The summary argued that the "scenarios and strategies" delineated in the Appeal were based on a realistic assessment of the situation in Sierra Leone. "The international community cannot afford to stand back and await some further signs of a serious commitment towards peace," the Appeal said. "The (Lomé Peace Accord) has been signed and it is incumbent upon the international community to provide adequate and timely support to the peace. Support for this Appeal will enhance the peace process, above all, by giving Sierra Leoneans a chance to reclaim their Forgotten Generation." [Appeal breakdown by Agency: Food and Agriculture Organization - $3,878,000; Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - $1,077,290; United Nations Children's Fund - $9,208,000; United Nations Development Programme - $1,019,125; United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - $12,304,212; United Nations Populations Fund - $1,806,600; United Nations Observer Mission in Sierra Leone - $730,000; World Food Programme - $39,230,343; and World Health Organization - $1,708,870.] [Appeal breakdown by sector: Agriculture and Food Security - $3,878,000; Child Protection - $2,000,000; Coordination - $1,497,290; Education - $1,850,000; Food Aid - $34,193,495; Health and Nutrition - $6,760,470; Human Rights - $1,329,125; Logistics and Emergency Support - $5,036,848; Reintegration of Refugees and Returnees - $12,304,212; and Water and Sanitation - $2,112,000.] United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Deputy Commissioner Fred Barton said in Abidjan on Thursday that lack of donor funds had forced the agency to try new tactics in West Africa. Following a ten-day visit to the region, Barton said that the UNHCR had no choice but to move away from its "care and maintenance mode" and to begin "questioning traditional solutions and trying new experiments." Barton pointed to a serious shortfall in donor response to humanitarian needs in West Africa. According to UNHCR fighters, donors have pledged only 40 percent of the $80 million needed to fund refugee operations in the sub-region, while the U.N. World Food Programme (WFP) has fared even worse: Donors have so far pledged only 20 percent of the $106 million the WFP says are needed to feed refugees and internally displaced persons in West Africa. "We have to show results and in order to do that, we have to have better programs and do them faster," Barton said. He added that, whenever possible, the UNHCR would seek to pre-empt problems before they spiraled into major refugee crises. In Sierra Leone, where Barton said "there has been a lack of vision for, maybe, the entire 20th century," the UNHCR wants to bridge the gap between humanitarian aid and development assistance. He said the UNHCR wants to bring together the "civil society" and Sierra Leonean refugee leaders, most of whom are in Guinea, to address problems such as labour and education. One third of Sierra Leone's teachers are currently in refugee camps in Guinea, he noted. Barton praised civil society for showing "incredible courage" in adversity, crediting its members with "pulling off an election, albeit imperfect" in 1996 and for "putting pressure on the junta government of Johnny Paul Koroma" after the May 1997 military coup against the government of President Kabbah. While pointing to security concerns in northern Sierra Leone, he said everybody — the United Nations, the Sierra Leone government, ECOMOG and former rebels — "needed a catalytic boost" to ensure that the ceasefire was properly monitored and that humanitarian aid could be delivered to areas cut off by the fighting. 3 November: CMRRD Chairman and RUF leader Corporal Foday Sankoh, in a statement broadcast over state radio, called on all combatants to surrender their Tens of thousands of Sierra Leonean refugees in Guinea could face disastrous food
The United States Department of Justice has extended for one year, until 2 November 2000, the designation of Sierra Leone under the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) programme. The Immigration and Nationalization Service (INS) should begin processing the extension of those eligible under the programme on November 3 — those who entered the U.S. prior to 4 November 1997 and who have been continuously eligible since that time In addition. Applicants have until December 3 to re-register, but the INS reportedly will apply a liberal policy for late registration. In addition, the INS anticipates a redesignation of TPS to cover Sierra Leoneans who have entered the U.S. after the initial deadline for registration. The redesignation will begin upon publication of the extension and redesignation notices published in the Federal Register, anticipated during the week of November 8, and will last for one year. United Nations military observers checking road conditions at Segbwema in 2 November: President Kabbah officially formed his new cabinet on Tuesday, bringing into his government a number of new faces, including three ministers and Persons reaching Freetown from Makeni on Tuesday reported hearing light weapons fire, according to the Agence France-Presse (AFP). However, ECOMOG spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Chris Olukolade told the U.N. Integrated Regional Information Network (IRIN) Tuesday that "there are indications that Lunsar is calm and the stage is set to continue disarmament." CCP Chairman and AFRC leader Lieutenant-Colonel Johnny Paul Koroma complained The United Nations Secretary-General's Special Envoy to Sierra Leone, Francis The National Committee for Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration, meeting in emergency session on Monday, has agreed to open four new demobilisation camps for combatants on Thursday, the United Nations Integrated Regional Information Network (IRIN) reported on Tuesday, quoting a "reliable U.N. source." Two of the centres will be located in Port Loko, one for rebel Sierra Leone Army soldiers and one for RUF troops; one will be sited at Kenema for members of the pro-government Civil Defence Forces militia, and one at Daru for RUF rebels. At the meeting, both RUF leader Corporal Foday Sankoh and former AFRC Chairman Lieutenant-Colonel Johnny Paul Koroma agreed to tell their followers to hand in their weapons, IRIN said. The meeting, which was chaired by President Kabbah, also included U.N. Special Representative to Sierra Leone Francis Okelo, UNAMSIL commander Brigadier Joshi, ECOMOG officers, government officials and U.S. Ambassador Joseph Melrose. Spanish intelligence services and the Civil Guard have uncovered an illegal arms trafficking ring led by members of the Russian mafia, established in southern Tenerife and using the Canary Islands as a base to export weaponry from the former USSR to Sierra Leone and Angola, the Spanish newspaper El Mundo reported on Tuesday. The newspaper described the weaponry as including machine guns, assault rifles, grenade launchers, grenades and ammunition. "According to the investigations being conducted by the state security forces, the arms arrive in the Canaries on board Russian trawlers working in the fishing grounds off Western Sahara, which occasionally call in to ports in the archipelago to carry out repairs, replenish supplies and change crews," the report said. 1 November: Fighting between RUF and AFRC forces in Makeni and Lunsar has ended, ECOMOG spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Chris Olukolade said on Monday. "There has been recent fighting between rebels of the Revolutionary United Front and the Armed Forces Revolutionary Council, but it has now subsided," Olukolade told the U.N. Integrated Regional Information Network (IRIN). He described last week's fighting as a "backlash" by AFRC soldiers after their forces were expelled from Makeni in mid-October. The ECOMOG spokesman confirmed Makeni was now under the control of the RUF, but said it was unclear who controlled Lunsar. Olukolade said both sides had suffered casualties during the fighting, but had no details. He added that hundreds of civilians had been displaced by the fighting, and that ECOMOG had received reports of looting by rebel forces. Reuters, quoting "military sources," reported Monday that fighting between the two rebel factions ended on Sunday after the RUF brought in reinforcements from its stronghold in Kailahun District. "I gave instructions to RUF fighters to overrun Makeni and Lunsar...because some of the former junta soldiers do not want to give peace a chance for the people of Sierra Leone," CMRRD Chairman and RUF leader Corporal Foday Sankoh told Reuters on Monday. U.S. Congressman Tony Hall introduced legislation Monday to require companies Norwegian Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik (pictured left) and U.S. President Sierra Leonean refugees at Sinje Camp in Liberia, about 50 miles from Monrovia, have accused the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) of doing less for refugees in Africa than for those in Kosovo. In a heated meeting with UNHCR Deputy High Commissioner Frederick Barton, the refugees complained that as a result of limited assistance they were going through "untold suffering." According to BBC correspondent Jonathan Paye-Layleh, the refugees called on the UNHCR to go beyond its mandate of refugee protection and to press for speedy disarmament of combatants so that they could return to Sierra Leone. Barton said the UNHCR was aware that without peace the refugees could not return home. "Our intent is to advance the peace in the region," he said. He called on the Liberian government to "be a forceful player for encouraging peace in Sierra Leone." |