The Sierra Leone Web


To: The Leader
From: Michel

Good morning

I am back in Washington I got your fax on Thursday and I will go to the embassy of SL this Monday morning for this Visa.

As soon as I will get the Visa I will fly to Freetown to meet you.

Dear Foday, let me take a few minutes of your time to explain to you what happened last week in Antwerp.

As you already know, I met my partner. You met his employee in Freetown 10 days ago. My partner is now decided to work with us without any restriction, as I told you already, with him involved in the picture money is not an issue any more.

IMPORTANT: The American, during the meetings in Freetown offered him to open a buying office in SL. They would like to see 3 buying offices working in SL.

However as my partner told me last week, all this could take X weeks or months.

You do not have any time to waste any more neither do I. This is what we suggest, he will come with me to see you next week, we will bring with us what you know.

Dear Foday, this meeting is very important, If Charles (my partner) meets you and gets the confirmation of what I told him already, based on our agreement, he will be ahead full speed immediately.

The problem:
At this time, and after one year of efforts, I did not get anything, yet you and I know it. But, what is done is done let’s forget it and move forward.

With Charles, we can BUY, I am not talking about received for free, the 10% going to Freetown but also the remaining 90% in Kono.

In short, if we put together what we have, Yourself, Charles and myself we can start immediately what we were suppose to start months ago and all of us would finally make money instead of losing money everyday.

At this time, you and I are the big losers, I don’t know about you but as far as I am concerned I am tired of it.

What we have to solve:

  1. How will you convince the people in charge in Kono to bring everything to you instead of 10% and it is not possible how are you going to convince them to sell those 90% to us instead of keeping it or selling it to the Lebanese or whoever?
  2. The other point, if we can buy it how are we going to ship it outside? Through Freetown is probably out of question, through Monrovia is not safe either, we cannot trust those people.

Charles has the financial ability to do anything, a private jet from Belgium to Kono or to Monrovia or to Freetown or any other solution.

With Charles we can do what ever is possible it is now up to you and me to find the solution.

Foday, what I am saying is this, the money if finally on the table, you make sure that the merchandise is available one way or an other and all of us will be ok.

At the minute the commission will be in place and we will have the final contract everything will be easier for all us but please let’s do something in the meantime.

The ambassador of SL went to see Charles’s father in Antwerp yesterday, don’t forget he is the president of the association for all the diamonds buyers in Antwerp. Following our advice, Charles father told the ambassador that Antwerp was not ready to do anything until the commission is in place.

Charles is already preparing the equipment you requested last week.




Commission for the Management of Strategic Resources, Reconstruction and Development (CMRRD)
Office of the Chairman
56 Spur Road
Tel/FAX: 232329/231624


This agreement is made this 12th day of April,2000 between the Commission of Strategic Resources of Sierra Leone and Mr. Samuel Isidoor Weinberger of 100 Hatton Garden London ECL 8NX.

The CMRRD of Spur Road Freetown, Sierra Leone hereinafter known as ‘PARTY A’ and Mr. Samuel Isidoor Weinberger of 100 Hatton Garden, London ECL 8NX hereinafter known as ‘PARTY B’.

The parties intend to establish and carry on business transactions in Sierra Leone for buying and selling precious stones. "PARTY A" shall act as facilitator in the business and "PARTY B" shall organize the purchase of the precious stones. The former shall use best endeavors as a facilitator for he commencement and carrying on of the business in Sierra Leone for the benefit and profit of the latter and the people of Sierra Leone in general.

All other agreement on the above mentioned issue is subject to review and rectification for establishing strong business transaction.

A final document of this agreement shall be issue later from "PARTY A" to "PARTY B" upon the full commencement of the office of the CMRRD based in Freetown Sierra Leone.


Mr. Foday Saybana Sankoh

Mr. Samuel Iisdoor Weinberger




C/o 56 Spur Road
Tel/Fax: 232-22-230444


I, the undersigned, FODAY SAYBANA SANKOH, Chairman of the Commission for Strategic Mineral Resources (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) acknowledging that RAYMOND CLIVE KRAMER, as Executive Officer (hereinafter collectively referred to as KRAMER) is able to provide expert counseling and guidance in matters relating to prospecting; mining, exploitation, recovery, processing, marketing and generally all aspects relating to strategic minerals in Sierra Leone,

Do hereby grant to RAYMOND CLIVE KRAMER and/or any other corporation forming part of the KRAMER GROUP OF COMPANIES authority for an initial period of 1 (one) year subject to renewal thereof for such further periods as may e agreed upon for the purpose described in this mandate:

  1. To organize and arrange an International Mining conference on behalf of the Commission to be held in South Africa or such other location or venue as may be convenient to all parties for the purpose of investigating and considering all aspects relating to Strategic Minerals in Sierra Leone.
  2. To represent the Commission in all areas relating to mining and mineral resources including but not limited to Strategic Minerals and precious stones.
  3. Pursuant to this mandate KRAMER shall report to the Chairman from time to time regarding any interest shown in the above Minerals by interested parties
  4. This Memorandum of Understanding shall serve as authority of the chairman of the Commission entitling KRAMER to perform its functions in terms of this mandate
  5. To attend to all aspects of the marketing and sales of Strategic Minerals on behalf of the Commission through the KRAMER GROUP IF COMPANIES, its affiliates, nominees or agents, upon a profit sharing basis to be agreed upon between the Commission and KRAMER
  6. Generally to perform any such other services on behalf of the Commission as may be required or agreed upon from time to time.

This Memorandum of Understanding is effective as from the immediate setting up of all the structures of and the employment of the various members of the Commission in line with the Lome Peace Agreement. However, upon the signing of this document, authority is given for the organising of the International Mining Conference in South Africa by Kramer Group of Companies.


Foday Saybana Sankoh