His Initial Contact



i am nosa john and i which to donate some money (US$100,000) but i do not know if you will be able to meet me in Nigeria were i will put it in radio and telvition so that it will be on record too.

till i hear from you soon.

brother nosa john.


Response After Being Exposed
as a scam artist


i have told you my friend you are not talking to a scamer. you are talking to a governor in benin city Edo state. do you know?

i do not even blame you if not some Nigerian that has black mail their self. you do not talk to me in Good manner's i will not donate again.

i am saying john that is my english name. you are writting to Governor nosakhare Igbinadion right now .

you should go learn how to entend to people at fast instant and find out if it is real person or scam.

good bye i do not right me again. or i may pick you up from your cyber cafe you are there.




His Last Word
after being confronted with his impersonation and his literacy level


get out of my face!!!!!!!!!!!!!
do you tell me when i am to check my e-mails?
this is thrid world as you know since you are in third world too.
we have just beggin to create e-commerce now