dadi - father (pa, papa)

dai - death; dead; to die; (Eng. die). -man - dead body (dede bכdi)

daimכn - diamond

dais - die, dice

dak - darkness; dark; -nεt - darkness, pitch dark; ren de d. - rain is threatening

daki - (old slang) unenlightened person, hick

dambi - (old slang) marijuana

dans - dance; to dance

darεkt - direct

dat - that; d. wan de - that one, that

dawt - to be in doubt, to be confused; a d. - I doubt it; i d. mi - I am puzzled as to; -ful - doubtful, questionable

de - (1) day (Eng. day). Aw di d.? - How's it going?; opin d. - broad daylight; wan d. - ever

de - (2) there (Eng. there)

de (3) to live, to exist; dεn de (as response) they're fine; i d. tu yu - it's up to you; wetin d. pan am? - what's wrong with him?; d. pan - up to; we di pan am - we're working at it; na d. - that's it, that's why; thereupon; na d. nכmכ - that's just it, that's the crux of the issue

dede bכdi - dead body, corpse (daiman)

dεbul - devil, spirit; society mask. kaka d. - children's masquerade

dεk - something which is stacked; story of a building

dεks - desk (Eng. desk)

dεn - (1) (dεm) they; them; their; those; plural marker. Tamba d. - Tamba and his companions.

dεn - (2) then (Eng. then). bai d. 10:00 - by 10:00.

dεnsεf - themselves; each other; (exclamation) How could they!

dεntis - dentist

dεt - debt (Eng. debt). tek d., ol d. - to borrow money (trכst); gεt d. - to own money; tכn d. - to take revenge

deli - daily, every day

denja - dangerous (denjεrכs)

di - the

dia - (1) deer, antelope

dia - (2) expensive, dear (Eng. dear)

dia - (3) dear

difrεn - different (Eng. different)

difrεns - difference (Eng. difference)

dig - to dig, to shovel; (old slang) to like

digri - university degree; d. olda - university graduate

dila - dealer

dile - delay, to delay (lεf sidכn)

dinai - to deny, to refuse, to contradict

dinamait - dynamite

dip - deep; (language) obscure; -nεs - depth

dipεn (pan) - to depend on, conditional to

dis - this; (person) he, she

disaid - to decide

Disεmba - December

disεntri - dysentery

disgres - disgrace; to disgrace

dispεnsa - (medical) dispenser; -ri - dispensary

distans - distance

distrit - district

diu - mist, fog (Eng. dew)

divaid - to divide (sheb)

divεlכp - to develop; -mεnt - development

dizεl - diesel fuel

dכ - door; -mכt - doorway, entrance; na d. - outdoors, outside; d. klin - dawn, morning; pul na d. - ceremony to name a child, or the naming of the child; also, by analogy, to reveal, to make public

dכbul - double

dכg - dog; okuru d. - stray dog; gεt d. fut - to wander around excessively

dכk - to dunk, to put under water (Eng. dunk)

dכks - duck (Eng. duck)

dכkta - doctor; netiv d. - traditional healer; pεpε d. - someone who self-medicates or, to self-medicate; wich d. - witch doctor

dכl - to turn down (as a light or a radio) (Eng. dull)

dכn - (1) down; rכn- - to go downhill; d. yanda - way over there; kam d. - to come down, to get down, (vehicle) to get off (Eng. down)

dכn - (2) to finish (Eng. done). d.-d. - finished, all gone; worn-out, ruined

dכn - (3) (perfect tense of "na") have, has

dכnglin - denim or jeans material

dכnsai - bottom; toward to bottom; d. yanda - way down there, in that direction

dכst - dust (Eng. dust); to raise dust; -bin - trash bin, waste basket

dכti - dirt, rubbish; dirty (Eng. dirt) d. blכk - mud brick; d. bכks - rubbish heap; lεf dis dכti laif! - (coll.) take a bath!; d. kolombo - (slang) dirty person

dכzin - dozen; wan d. - one dozen

donat - a small round cake (Eng. doughnut)

draf - draughts (Eng. draughts); d. bod - draughts board

drai - dry; to dry; (person) thin (smכl-skin); d. kכf - tuberculosis; d. sizin - dry season; trot d. - thirsty; d. han (old slang) broke, without money; d. bif - dried meat; d. yist - yeast (yist)

draiv - to drive (a vehicle); -a - driver

drεb - to chase away, to drive off, to scare off

drεg - to drag; (slang) to find ways to survive or get money

drεsa - one who bandages a sore

dren - drain; to drain; to wring water from wet clothes

drim - dream; to dream

drink - to drink; -man - drinker, drunkard (drכnkכman)

drכo- (1) drawer (Eng. drawer)

drכo- (2) to draw (Eng. draw)

drכo- (3) to pull, to draw (fig.) to draw out, to induce (Eng. draw) d. bak - to lean back, to pull away from

drכo- (4) tie, draw; to tie, to draw (Eng. draw)

drכ sup - "slippery" soup, i.e. with okra, crain-crain or tola

drכbak - back pay

drכnkכman - drunkard (drinkman)

drכp - to drop; (vehicle) to drop off, to let off

drכz - underwear (Eng. drawers)

du - to do; aw yu d.? - How are you? aw fכ d.? - what can one do about it?; i d. so - that's enough of that; d.-ya - please

dunia - world (wכl)

durεks - (old) condom (kכndכm)